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#147669017Friday, October 10, 2014 1:26 PM GMT

Welcome robloxians! Have a suggestion for the game? post it here and i'll see what I can do! Note: to all forumers, this thread is linked to my place so regular players may comment.
#147685194Friday, October 10, 2014 7:58 PM GMT

Please move the hint and controls GUI out to the sides, it looks like they are blocking the middle of my screen. Thanks
#147730442Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:10 PM GMT

This is my suggestion: Since much of the game besides building your kingdom is conquering other kingdoms, I think their should be constant events every 10 minutes (example) where say, demons come out of the ground. Players would like to kill them for gold or wood instead of destroy other players. I think this would decrease the amount of wars between players (you can add demons or pirates or even ork in this events)
#147782138Sunday, October 12, 2014 2:22 AM GMT

One idea I have, is that if you're adding races, make a classic Orc or Goblin race. Maybe have an exclusive race for the people with VIP. Also, like the person above me said (Sorry, forgot your name.) Maybe add NPC civilizations that are relatively weak and easy to beat, but can be annoying. Something like barbarians or pirates on maps with oceans.
#148105325Friday, October 17, 2014 3:37 PM GMT

My only suggestion currently is to fix the Orcs Guard tower to match the wall abit.
#148239010Sunday, October 19, 2014 4:42 PM GMT

Make buildings take time to build, i've had enough with guard tower spammers
#148243859Sunday, October 19, 2014 5:58 PM GMT

oh, and maybe make some models for units (don't make this one top priority tho)
#148255216Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:36 PM GMT

Suggestion: I kind of want a realistic or some sort of effect on dominant or long living powers. Perhaps you could add an effect that the longer powers are existing (make sure this effect doesn't continue after resigning to start anew), the more increase of a effect that will damper the player's economy and food. I wanted a "Test of Time" effect on those long living powers. Because then, at some point, the player will be forced to start anew, like every nation in history( Ex: Rome). Also, could you add something for dominant powers to do? When they made all non-protected powers rage quit/defeated, all the possible targets are protected. And the player has not much to do, since at that point, their economy is great. Thanks for reading this and I love your game!
#148279657Monday, October 20, 2014 2:35 AM GMT

mrlook... that is actually a great idea. I am thinking about making it so if their gold goes over 20.000, every minute they start losing some, the more they earn the more they lose. a tax in a way
#148298326Monday, October 20, 2014 1:34 PM GMT

Maybe you should make it so that if you are defeated, you might be able to rebuild one time and then you are dead, but get protection time again. But also maybe add a timer to the game so people don't just try to kill one guy to try and boot them, maybe the timer could be for about a hour and a few minutes? After someone is the only one left standing or the timer runs out, it switches maps and starts over. Because to me, a lot of the times you'll go on a server and there is one super power nation and they just keep killing the people that start to catch up so you can really never have the chance to be one of those big kingdoms, and you end up playing on the same map non-stop.
#148345147Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:54 AM GMT

maybe you shoud make time 140 mint and the unit will be more detail
#148424310Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:04 PM GMT

SimonShepherd was glitching ppl's resources, and that the gold would stay at -80 and go down. He even said it was a glitch. He even accident glitch himself and wasn't able to fix it. He done this with the humans race. and for some reason, even with an always positive food level, my army was starving to death as the undead.
#148424538Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:07 PM GMT

errrr I meant to also say that was a bug report. Just wanted to get the creator's attention of it!
#148434412Wednesday, October 22, 2014 11:39 PM GMT

add some events like good or bad we dont no what is happen add some luck board
#148459125Thursday, October 23, 2014 2:26 PM GMT

make a new race the goblins i like goblins and make the races more easy to buy i want to buy a race and i wont have robux and i only have 800 tix.
#148479949Thursday, October 23, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

Add a delete building tool. Or recycle building. You get half wood and gold back from the building.
#148537084Saturday, October 25, 2014 1:56 AM GMT

A good man once sudjested to me a new race. These races have unique aspects when building. Allow me to explain, I. Atlanteans Whats unique about them?: They have the ability to BUILD on WATER. Strength?: Strong footmen, Strong wizards. Troops are able to walk on water. Flaw?: No aerial units, weak Calvary or no walls. (Your choice!) Playstyle?: Defensive and dependant on Sieges for attacks. Because your foe can only use aerial your defenses mainly compose of high damage wizards, siege weapons, and your towers. II. Fireforge/Demons/Other (You can play around with the name a bit) Whats unique about them?: They have the ability to BUILD on LAVA. Strength?: Strong Siege, Strong Cavalry, Strong Aerial (Optional if you feel they'll be to OP) Flaw?: No towers, no archers, weak wizards. Playstyle?: As masters of attacks, abuse your attack for a devilish blow. Use sieges as your ranged attack then throw in your main army to target the castle and wipe the enemy army with ease. (I'm hoping this'll fix the issue with 'nubs' loosing every raid and attack.) Think you have a 3rd? How about difference unique aspects that can be added? Reply, feedback, and thanks for your patience!
#148543208Saturday, October 25, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

You know what, after over-viewing this. Those 2 races would throw the game off balance. Anyone with weak or no gryphs wouldn't be able to attack those 2 races. Forgive me, I was never here!
#148584054Saturday, October 25, 2014 10:21 PM GMT

I suggest making some races unlockable not all though.
#148587480Saturday, October 25, 2014 11:20 PM GMT

KINGDOM SUGGESTION: KINGDOM/RACE: Dwarves ADVANTAGES: The dwarves are well know to be digging all the time.(Better Gold income structures)The dwarves are also know to make some of the finest equipment in the world.(Strong Units, high health)Dwarves are known to be knowledgeable about siege and defense, since they protect their coins with a deep heart. (Expensive buildings, strong towers, and strong catapults) DISADVANTAGES: Dwarves are known to be Greedy of gold(Expensive units), while also having a bit appetite.(Slower, needs more food per unit) Since dwarves are often underground dwellers, they do not know the arts of flying or riding.(No flying or cavalry) Dwarves believe in physical combat, not any nonsense "Magic"(No wizards/magic units) GAMEPLAY: Defensive, powerful and weak at the same time.(Powerful units, but not any flying or magic or cavalry.) Or a late-game monster.
#148622443Sunday, October 26, 2014 2:18 PM GMT

Simple. Add boats! They won't attack, but they hold units on them. They are not able to have Little Men tanks on them. Only Pirates will deal 3 damage to units a block away from it. All boats have 50 HP. Also, can you make the types(such as undead, pirates) more cheap? And make the pirates and little men most expensive? (little men is OP) Undead: 50 tix or 5 robux Elven: 100 tix or 10 robux Orc: 200 tix or 20 robux The Little men: 500 robux Pirates: 500 tix or 50 robux
#148634704Sunday, October 26, 2014 5:59 PM GMT

Dayum this thread poster looks alot like me
#148635350Sunday, October 26, 2014 6:11 PM GMT

Repair buildings tool. REALLY useful!
#148645518Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

Remove the "pay to play as other races" sh!t in the original Reign & conquer you did not have to do that (except pirates)
#148656042Sunday, October 26, 2014 11:20 PM GMT

Yes Rhus, you did need to do that actually. Prices are reduced when new races are released and the fact is, humans are free and it's balanced. If you don't think the game is worth purchasing another race then don't do it, it doesn't bother me.

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