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#149473776Sunday, November 09, 2014 8:25 PM GMT

Hey guys ive been busy creating a plugin that can check your place for harmful scripts/viruses and quarantines them for easyer removal. You can see the plugin here: http://www.roblox.com/Guardian-Angel-Defender-V0-6-6-Finally-item?id=164968707 I've done a few youtube videos on the plugin on my youtube channel in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WsW50AN6D8&index=1&list=PLcR-0uLOOm6vdrcrfQqCrwGs3MyarAbQU So far its in Beta but it allready has loads of features and a LOT more comming soon once i work out how to do them :) The main reason i made this plugin is cause i was getting tired of my places getting overrun by eather fire of 4d beings or other things. Im still thinking up ideas/cool stuff to add to it and any suggestions/ideas on what i should add next would be much appreciated! I think Roblox should have a system that would check models as you add them to your place from the free models for harmful scripts but this plugin will have to do untill they make something like that :3
#149486295Sunday, November 09, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

Pimple bump! xD

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