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#149602761Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:14 PM GMT

Old thread deleted for no reason again Revised from old laws: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=122211762 https://twitter.com/XxasheindoodxX/statuses/442412119410356224 - actual rules ~ If you're reading this, you can read. | +23779 ~
#149713869Friday, November 14, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

Additions to laws: - Resizing yourself over 3 is illegal except for a few people. If I did not tell you you can resize yourself over 3, you can't. ~ If you're reading this, you can read. | +23779 ~
#149779824Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:51 AM GMT

Addition: -Loopkilling is now illegal however using the :kill command and not being obnoxious about it is legal. ~ If you're reading this, you can read. | +23779 ~
#149803517Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:05 PM GMT

-Changes to "PLAYERS' RIGHTS" Rewritten: "3a. You have the right to complain about a moderator. Talk to the person in charge of the server for all court cases. In the event you want to take me (AsheinVI) to court, talk to Stolencandy, Shadowtiger, or any other admin available." - Remove the entire "Define classes" section Rewriting "Police-Pulling over people" "Pulling over vehicles: -Spawn the police motercycle, press "q" and "e" to open up sirens and lights, and chase the car and order them to pull over. -If they do not obey, request for a lockon rocket and SAFELY EXPLODE THE CAR (LAST RESORT!!!) -If they still do not obey, call an admin immediately." Rewriting "Addons and things we forgot the first time:" "1 - Plot size has been raised to 25x25" -- I want to have congress get together and vote on Marshall Law that can only be activated by the President. ~ If you're reading this, you can read. | +23779 ~
#149844580Sunday, November 16, 2014 2:05 AM GMT

Addition: No refunds ~ If you're reading this, you can read. | +23779 ~

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