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#149706301Thursday, November 13, 2014 10:51 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/The-World-Is-Quiet-Here-place?id=186787797 One of my more emotional works, the poem in the description is describing my life in a semi-vague way. The game is based off of me being bullied and being a bully myself and was originally intended to honor National Bullying Month. The game is quite depressing, but has a good message. I really hope you enjoy, although it may not be as much "horror" as it is "creepy". Thanks.
#149791484Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:29 AM GMT

Hey can you give me the model of the text script in the game? Also, I like this, a bit short, but it has an interesting idea. I do wish that it went farther in to the story, and expanded on its idea. But pretty good. This signature will always be relevent to the topic
#149809027Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:27 PM GMT

Guest, there is no text script. As you walk, you go through invisible blocks that have CanCollide disabled. I have TouchInterest on them so as you walk through them, the text shows up in the top. ^^
#149809076Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:27 PM GMT

And it's also a WIP.
#149811189Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:58 PM GMT

Hey can you give me the model of the text script in the game? Also, I like this, a bit short, but it has an interesting idea. I do wish that it went farther in to the story, and expanded on its idea. But pretty good. This signature will always be relevent to the topic

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