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#149950908Monday, November 17, 2014 6:30 PM GMT

Hey friends today I would like to talk more about the BATCH. Not many people know how to use it or what for. This is why I would like to discuss with you. I would like to share one of the main functions of BATCH "echo". that can be used in several features. For example echo is used in two or possible form; echo Hello world! When you type "echo Hello world!" This will display in the console "Hello world!" Another use for echo @ echo Off / on Normally we use this command at the beginning of the script. "off" means that each script that you type will not show the functions used to execute it. example: @ Echo off echo Hello "Hello" But if I use @ echo on example: echo On echo hello "echo off echo hello "
#149950950Monday, November 17, 2014 6:32 PM GMT


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