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#149951378Monday, November 17, 2014 6:46 PM GMT

Not asking for you to optimize, just how I could improve on this --[[Wait for pet]]-- plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer wait(2) char = plr.Character char:WaitForChild("Pet") pet = char:FindFirstChild("Pet") petage, ownerPos, Owner, petexp = pet.Age, pet.ownerPos, pet.Owner,pet.EXP pet.Name = plr.Name.."'s pet Age: "..petage.Value xp_to_next_age = petexp.Value + 300 --[[Setting pets value]]-- Owner.Value = plr.Name ownerPos.Value = char.Torso.Position local get_to_owner = Instance.new("BodyPosition",pet.Head) get_to_owner.position = ownerPos.Value - Vector3.new(0, 25, 5) --[[Player moved]]-- co = coroutine.create(function() while wait() do ownerPos.Value = char.Torso.Position get_to_owner.position = ownerPos.Value - Vector3.new(0, 25, pet.Head.Size.Z) get_to_owner.maxForce = Vector3.new(pet.Head:GetMass() * 25^2, 40000, pet.Head:GetMass() * 25^2) end end) coroutine.resume(co) pet.Head.Touched:connect(function(p) if p.Name == "Food" then petexp.Value = petexp.Value + 5 p:Destroy() if petexp.Value == xp_to_next_age then xp_to_next_age = petexp.Value + 300 pet.Head.Size = pet.Head.Size + Vector3.new(1,1,1) end end end) Hibachi Man makes his daring escape, The Barbecue Belly Slide!

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