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#191198505Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:53 PM GMT

I have a list of ideas that I think would help everyone get Robux without going overboard: 1. When NBC sells gamepasses, don't have the marketplace fee be so high! Right now it's 90%, so that means that if someone pays you R$100, you only get R$10. Yeah. It needs to go down. At LEAST 60%, but preferably 40%. Same for BC members where it's 30%, make it at LEAST 20%. 2. A major problem with Rolox is that not many NBC players can get Robux without paying. Well, Roblox DOES need money, so I thought up something: what if NBC players got R$3 IF they play games on Roblox for 2 hours(in total), for 3 days in a row. Basically, you get R$3 for being active for 3 days straight. It will mean that alts and bots won't be an issue and you can still get Robux. Well, you can still use alts, but that just means that you are even more active. 3. Drop the prices for buying Robux. Not too much, just a little. Like really, R$450 for $5 USD? What the heck Roblox? I say that should be about $3.50 USD or something. It's waaaay to much! If not, just drop it by like 90% or have Robux Sales every once in a while. And I know this post is about NBC, but this last one is gonna be slightly different. 4. Bring back 6 month BC and possibly bring 3 month BC to the computer version. We all miss 6 month BC, and 3 month is only avalible on mobile for $15.99 USD. I say that people on the computer version should also get the option of 3 month BC and everyone should get the option of 6 month! Lifetime I could understand was taking away your money, but c'mon, 6 month FTW! I may have more ideas in the future, so I will tell you if there should be anything else. Feel free to tell your thoughts.
#191198680Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:55 PM GMT

What do they need ROBUX for? Hm?
#191198779Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:57 PM GMT

@SpicyNoddleSauce To buy clothing and some gamepasses. If it's stuff on the catalog then they will need BC.
#191198979Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:00 PM GMT

Clothing? Seriously? Come on, be real here. If they got ROBUX, ROBLOX would have less BC sales and they would likely be shut down. And on the topic of clothing, why do they need clothing? There are 33 pages of free stuff on the catalog. Oh, and does clothing change the way a user plays the game? Does it make it easier to play? Do they have more abilities? No. No support.
#191199344Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:06 PM GMT

@SpicyNoodleSauce Roblox already makes bank from advertising also I fully support #2 becuase for one people would still want BC because they get way more robux for just going online once and what about these new accounts that wanna see what roblox is like but they cant even change there character..
#191199438Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:07 PM GMT

And there is free stuff but most of it sucks and all the nbc dont wanna look the same..
#191199484Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:08 PM GMT

If they wanna know what ROBLOX is like and change their character they can go to the catalog and look for free items. It's not hard. Plus, BC is $6. SIX. DOLLARS. If they can't afford 6 dollars, wow. Surprised they have decent shelter and/or haven't starved to death.
#191199526Tuesday, June 14, 2016 11:09 PM GMT

Read the whole thing. I already address how Roblox needs money. Plus, you CAN you Robux for gamepasses, which help you in-game.
#191203885Wednesday, June 15, 2016 12:18 AM GMT

BC is only 6 dollars If you can't afford 6 dollars then your family is dirt poor Hey, that's pretty good.https://www.roblox.com/Filthy-Frank-Salamander-Man-item?id=343434754
#191204547Wednesday, June 15, 2016 12:28 AM GMT

These are pretty good ideas. Two ideas I would suggest are either 1 R$ per day, just 1, or 1 R$ per so many visits in order to ensure people with thousands of players without BC won't be making thousands of R$ each hour. Also to the people saying BC is only $5... That is not the point. Most players on Roblox don't have access to something that can make online purchases, plus saying BC is only $5 is really only part of the story. BC is $5... for a month. BC itself is not $5, it's $5 for a month.
#191205075Wednesday, June 15, 2016 12:36 AM GMT

hahahahaha but seriously, roblox needs to make money.
#191205194Wednesday, June 15, 2016 12:38 AM GMT

Robux that can be earned through "Quests"
#191205577Wednesday, June 15, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

@Dark I think you're on to something, but what would happen when they run out of quests? Would quests change weekly?
#191206802Wednesday, June 15, 2016 1:00 AM GMT

What about money for advertising? I ant to advertise, but like ^^^^^ said above. I'm dirt poor.
#191209873Wednesday, June 15, 2016 1:42 AM GMT

#191210064Wednesday, June 15, 2016 1:44 AM GMT

#191217300Wednesday, June 15, 2016 3:35 AM GMT

Stop the flamewar. BC members are greedy. Problem solved. Gee was that hard.
#191217558Wednesday, June 15, 2016 3:39 AM GMT

@TwoCoding What? BC members won't cancel their memberships over NBC getting at least 60% taken off of gamepasses sold rather than 90%. Plus, BC would benefit too. Geez, there would be a few people that would quit, but in total that would mean like $50 less for Roblox because almost no one would quit over that. #code while true do KEEP ON POSTING TILL THE end
#191218348Wednesday, June 15, 2016 3:52 AM GMT

Support. Some may argue "BC IS ONLY 6 DOLLARS!!!" Some kids' parents are so strict that they won't let them get BC at all. I was under this circumstance until I realized I could just get BC through prepaid cards. Just because they can afford 6 dollars doesn't mean that their parents will let them get BC. That's what always annoys me with "bc is only 6 dollars" R$0
#191218624Wednesday, June 15, 2016 3:57 AM GMT

"Right now it's 90%, so that means that if someone pays you R$100, you only get R$10." Holy cow, is this true? Explains some of the prices I've seen on gamepasses, then. (Honestly I'd rather buy lifetime BC or keep being nbc, but roblox probably removed it because of DevEx or smth.)
#191219102Wednesday, June 15, 2016 4:05 AM GMT

Now, to be fair, it does round up. So if someone paid you R$6, you would get R$1. So any gamepasses under R$6 give you nothing, anything R$6-R$9 rounds up to 1, and everything else is normal. However, for BC members, it's much lower at 30%, so someone would only have to pay you R$2 to earn anything. #code while true do KEEP ON POSTING TILL THE end
#191804974Thursday, June 23, 2016 12:35 AM GMT

Another possibility: Dynamic place visit income. NBC's with places that only get a few visits each week or day or so will get 1 R$ per visit to that place. But if they have a place with hundreds of players each day, they'll only get 1 R$ per, let's say 10 visits. This ensures people with popular places will still get income without getting way too much income, while people with less popular places won't get as much income but won't get an extremely low income either.

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