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#212306461Sunday, March 19, 2017 4:17 AM GMT

REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must not be a high profile OFL player. 2. Cannot drop down twice. (Does not count any drop downs before this new process.) 3. Cannot have played in the OCFA the previous season. HOW TO APPLY TO DROP DOWN: Any potential drop down player to the OCFA must send an application directly to Dat_Wayyy. The application must consist of previous OFL/OCFA history and why the player is requesting permission to drop down. If a drop down player does not apply or does not give adequate information in the application, that player will be denied. ADDITIONAL RULES: 1. You most put what positions you played in OFL. 2. Drop down applications will be processed every week and either accepted or denied. Players who decide to apply to drop down to the OCFA during transfer week will be either admitted or denied as soon as the application is processed. If the player applies to drop down during the season of the OCFA, the applications will be reviewed between Tuesday and Thursday of the next week. 22,241
#212406481Monday, March 20, 2017 2:54 PM GMT


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