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#219223500Monday, June 19, 2017 12:07 PM GMT

I had to say "ignore parents" because subject title was too long. But anyways... Have you guys have heard about parents complaining that their kid either got kidnapped or received "sickening" messages? I say that Roblox should just stop listening to these parents. Why? Because THEY are the reason we have terrible updates like the filter and default colors. Here's how it started. A long time back, some parent complained to Roblox because his child got kidnapped by a stranger. Apparently, it was because the child wasn't safe on the Internet and the parents didn't realize this and complained to Roblox. Roblox thought it was their fault, so they decided to use the broken filter from Community Sift. YES, A BROKEN FILTER. This eventually led up to a few parents complaining that their child received "sickening" messages from predators. AND WHAT THEY DIDN'T REALIZE IS THAT THEY COULD SET THEIR AGE TO UNDER XIII OR THEY COULD JUST TURN OFF THE CHAT COMPLETELY. What bothers me is that o ne of the children who received "sickening" messages gave away their age and gender to those predators. Literally, that means that they don't know how to be safe on the internet. And sadly, Roblox decided to listen to those complaining parents, and now we have default colors. It's sad that we have to bypass it just to make our avatar seem normal again. I'm warning you Roblox, this game will go downhill if you continue listening to complaining parents who don't even know how to keep their child safe on the Internet. So please, just stop listening to those parents. Thank you. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219223659Monday, June 19, 2017 12:12 PM GMT

tl;dr version: Stop listening to all these parents complaining that their child got kidnapped or received sickening messages from "child predators", these parents don't even know how to keep their child safe on the Internet, yet you still listen to them, and sadly this led to terrible updates like our filter and default colors. Please, just stop. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219223713Monday, June 19, 2017 12:14 PM GMT

you can't just ignore the media, getting bad press coverage and losing all your paying playerbase is the last thing you want to happen
#219223791Monday, June 19, 2017 12:16 PM GMT

^ Sorry, what I mean is for Roblox to stop thinking all these parents complaining about child predators is their fault when it's the parent's fault for not keeping their child safe on the Internet. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219223878Monday, June 19, 2017 12:19 PM GMT

they completely understand, and they're trying to make it easier for parents to, oh i dont know, disable the chat for their children??!??
#219223926Monday, June 19, 2017 12:21 PM GMT

I understand parents have a right to complain, but Roblox is going to make a safety update, then they shouldn't use a filter from Community Sift. They should've only censored swear words for all ages. Also, the default colors update is useless and having to bypass it to look normal is just sad. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219223954Monday, June 19, 2017 12:21 PM GMT

Also, Roblox should have common sense to tell whether the child has been trained well to stay safe on the Internet or not. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219223962Monday, June 19, 2017 12:22 PM GMT

I agree and disagree, I disagree because ROBLOX looks bad if they don't do anything but I agree because if people don't know not to give ##### ######## #### ##### etc. on the internet, you're basically asking for it. ~ Jai
#219224004Monday, June 19, 2017 12:23 PM GMT

And to tell parents in a friendly way, they could've said that "Next time, close the chat completely if you encounter another situation just like this." 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219224145Monday, June 19, 2017 12:27 PM GMT

put yourself in Roblox's shoes. parents are complaining, saying their children have been getting inappropriate messages, and other parents are starting to uninstall the game. do you do something about it and introduce safety features to make them not quit, or do you make it worse by only censoring swear words and allowing people to say location information and fone#? what happens after each decision?
#219224292Monday, June 19, 2017 12:32 PM GMT

i will agree with you that the parents should'nt blame roblox, but that doesnt mean the updates are bad and/or unnecessary, your'e forgetting one thing, ROBLOX IS MEANT FOR ALL AGES! yes could be less scrit, but to remove it, do you really want kids looking up inappropriate words and see something they shouldn't see? and yes we have the default clothing, if you've saw a meep city party, you would know why.
#219224305Monday, June 19, 2017 12:33 PM GMT

^ Ok I agree that Roblox should do something, but they should at least use common sense rather than using a broken filter from Community Sift. Roblox should've only censored swear words and stuff that could've been classified as personal information, like a city (ex. New York City). Numbers shouldn't be censored because it's the child's fault if they get kidnapped by giving out c e l l nums etc. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219224413Monday, June 19, 2017 12:36 PM GMT

To: jj Inappropriate words are censored, but there were some that weren't censored. But that doesn't mean they should censor words that don't need to be censored (the word the was censored a while back). Default clothing doesn't get rid of dating people. I know it gets rid of n a k e people, but still, what's wrong with being all red? 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219224450Monday, June 19, 2017 12:37 PM GMT

it's not the child's fault. parents see Roblox advertised as a safe kids game and has a kidSAFE seal, so it must be safe, right? so if the safe kids game isn't actually safe and allowed users to say their fone#, it's not that safe is it? as a parent, would you yell at your 9 year old son and blame it all on him, or would you blame it on Roblox for not being safe?
#219224575Monday, June 19, 2017 12:41 PM GMT

>Inappropriate words are censored, but there were some that weren't censored. But that doesn't mean they should censor words that don't need to be censored (the word the was censored a while back) i agree. they should make it less strict >Default clothing doesn't get rid of dating people. I know it gets rid of n a k e people, but still, what's wrong with being all red? i agree, thats why i think it should only apply to realistic skin tones, but even if it doesnt do anything about dating, it will calm down the amount of people using game animations for "advantges"
#219224588Monday, June 19, 2017 12:41 PM GMT

^ It actually is the child's fault, even if Roblox has a kid Safe seal they should still use their online safety rules just in case. If people find out people giving away their c e l l nums, they should automatically turn off the chat and leave the game. Dude, it's not Roblox's fault that other people don't know online safety rules. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219224609Monday, June 19, 2017 12:42 PM GMT

meant my last post to b o r s y 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219224732Monday, June 19, 2017 12:45 PM GMT

To: jj Well, you are true when you say it will calm down the people using game animations for advantages. I agree something needed to be done about filter and n a k e people, but censoring words that don't need to be censored and automatically putting on clothes no matter what skin tone you're using is useless. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219224891Monday, June 19, 2017 12:51 PM GMT

#219225573Monday, June 19, 2017 1:13 PM GMT

what you're saying is true, but roblox can't just ignore it, they'll be losing players and make less money and then they'll have to do something like increase the price of BC
#219225647Monday, June 19, 2017 1:15 PM GMT

ROBLOX doesn't listen to them. The issue is that newspapers do listen, and that makes ROBLOX look terrible.
#219225742Monday, June 19, 2017 1:18 PM GMT

To: B o r s y I know they can't ignore it, but if they're going to do something to help those complaining parents, it has to be good rather than censoring words that don't need to be censored. And not all skin tones need clothing put automatically. That's why I'm mad at these parents, they're forcing Roblox to do something about it and Roblox ends up making bad decisions like using Community Sift. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219225808Monday, June 19, 2017 1:20 PM GMT

Basically Roblox should either do something good or not do anything at all. 【⏒!⏒】 AYY KID, THAT MAKES ME SALTY & SAVAGE 【⏒!⏒】
#219225870Monday, June 19, 2017 1:23 PM GMT

they are doing "something good" for the parents out there, but it's not good for people that liked to troll in cafes by wearing no clothing
#219225896Monday, June 19, 2017 1:23 PM GMT

We can just give the parents a pepsi. George Dubya Bush and Saddam talked it all out. They came to an agreement to set up a Counter-Strike: Source server.

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