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#220319450Sunday, July 02, 2017 11:12 PM GMT

DISCLAIMERS: This is not based off of any of the books. You may have your name as one of the characters. ------------------------ RULES: Name must be something like Jaypaw, Flightwing, Pokestar, Fluffkit, and whatnot. No innapropriate roleplaying. Having kits is allowed, but dont go too deep. No overpowered roleplaying. You all know what this means. You may be up to # ########### ######################## ################# "Kit" at the end of the name means kitten/newborn. (not apprentice or warrior yet). "Paw" at the end of the name means apprentice, not fully a warrior but undergoing training. "Star" at the end of the name means leader of a clan, or a cat from Starclan. Any other word at the end of the name means that they have become a warrior, and they have gotten their warrior name. ------------------------ Happy roleplaying!!
#220319497Sunday, July 02, 2017 11:12 PM GMT

You may be up to t w o characters.
#220319626Sunday, July 02, 2017 11:14 PM GMT

Lets start! Darkpaw crouched into the hunting position, which she learned at a training. The creature had gone still. She pounced on it. She swooped it up into her paws, and walked away. When at camp, she put it in the fresh-kill pile.

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