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#221239390Thursday, July 13, 2017 9:00 PM GMT

#221239480Thursday, July 13, 2017 9:01 PM GMT

#221239941Thursday, July 13, 2017 9:06 PM GMT

Some Suggestions on how this could be better handled as well: Restrict Number of Messages a player can send inside a time window (preventing accounts to spam various phishing messages) // Have Newly created or not frequently used accounts have restrictions on the messages they can send or not at all be able to send until some time // Restrict number of accounts yo ucan create per IP (if thats not already a thing);(I Know people could use other IPs and all but it already stops some people atleast) // Having Warning Messages when people click links in messages (Like: "Roblox Admins don't message you asking you to click links etc etc, do you really want to enter this page [yes][no]) // Making it mandatory for people to set their message's settings

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