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#222167128Monday, July 24, 2017 12:36 AM GMT

Roblox, I Know you removed Tix because of money but please please add Tix back without Tix there has been many more cases of people being called noobs, poor, And much more if Roblox actually cared about there fans and about there fans safety Roblox would add it back.. WE WANT TIX BACK! oh yeah and I'm Gunna start a hashstag #ReviveTix
#222167248Monday, July 24, 2017 12:38 AM GMT

Goodluck with this. ROBLOX doesn't listen to you. Why do you think this sub-forum is being deleted? It's useless. Tickets were abused and misused. Most of our community has gotten over tickets so how about you do to, 2017'er who never seen tickets? 10/10 would d8 again

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