I understand the horrors of the linux os with gpu drivers but still older hardware uses linux instead of windows because of performance issues with windows. I myself use linux not for performance but its flexibility with programs which cant be done on windows ,as a entertainment it would be amazing to have Roblox Linux support but i have read few post regarding the GPU issues but cmon that was like 3 or 4 years go,i am certain that the drivers are better then windows or mac support right now i mean my old AMD and ###### ################# got acceleration in Ubuntu 17.04 and failed to run on windows 10 . For now GPU is a bad excuse for roblox not being ported on Linux and mac is the kernel on UNIX so i do not why is it so hard to implement into Linux. Please take some action on linux. P.S i would love the devs to see this Kind Regards, jack001214 |