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#222281257Tuesday, July 25, 2017 8:17 AM GMT

I understand the horrors of the linux os with gpu drivers but still older hardware uses linux instead of windows because of performance issues with windows. I myself use linux not for performance but its flexibility with programs which cant be done on windows ,as a entertainment it would be amazing to have Roblox Linux support but i have read few post regarding the GPU issues but cmon that was like 3 or 4 years go,i am certain that the drivers are better then windows or mac support right now i mean my old AMD and ###### ################# got acceleration in Ubuntu 17.04 and failed to run on windows 10 . For now GPU is a bad excuse for roblox not being ported on Linux and mac is the kernel on UNIX so i do not why is it so hard to implement into Linux. Please take some action on linux. P.S i would love the devs to see this Kind Regards, jack001214
#222282744Tuesday, July 25, 2017 9:07 AM GMT

it has been confirmed since 2012, that the Roblox Player can't run on Linux. so there is no support for it and it will never have one.
#222283684Tuesday, July 25, 2017 9:38 AM GMT

Yeah why is Roblox not On Linux
#222284924Tuesday, July 25, 2017 10:24 AM GMT

"We’re probably 95% of the way to a Linux port, now that we’ve all the work necessary to to OSX – which, as you probably know, is based on the UNIX kernel. I think the problem that we would likely run into on Linux is poor video driver support. I’ve heard horror stories from other developers. However, as Linux becomes more popular, I expect this hurdle to disappear." it has disappeared and still nothing
#222394263Wednesday, July 26, 2017 3:43 PM GMT

What he is talking about is video drivers for lower end computers not supporting 3D! Like the i945 driver for Intel GMA and Intel HD GMA. When in reality they probably wouldn't have had a very great experience with most roblox games you could find on the front page anyway. Every driver for other gpu's does support 3D. So I don't know why they don't port it
#222395117Wednesday, July 26, 2017 3:55 PM GMT

Support. I would love to play ROBLOX on my Raspberry Pi.

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