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#222353252Wednesday, July 26, 2017 3:21 AM GMT

Imagine you wanted to create a motion blur or focus in on an object, that's currently impossible; but not if ROBLOX integrated layers into the studio. Essentially, each object would be given a Z-Index property: e.g. Model 1 ->ClassName ->Name ->Parent ->PrimaryPart ->Z-Index (value 1) Model 2 ->ClassName ->Name ->Parent ->PrimaryPart ->Z-Index (value 0) __________________ Now when we add a BlurEffect to lighting, it would have the properties such as: Blur ->State -->IndexBlur (value 1) Upon applying an INT value to IndexBlur, it would blur all objects/screen with the Z-Index below said value (which in this case, is 1). __________________ By implementing this feature this would expand upon the cinematic piece of games, such as cutscenes, motion blur, object targeting and more. Please reply #Support to get this idea pushed on the roadmap for the future! Signed, -George
#222426708Wednesday, July 26, 2017 10:02 PM GMT


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