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#222456208Thursday, July 27, 2017 2:50 AM GMT

I just want to say thankyou to everyone who made my time here something to remember. I first came here in 2009 when I was a small, immature 10 year old. Now, Im 18 and about to begin my second year of university. I met a lot of people on here, having both good times and bad times. Over the last year or so, I've rarely been posting on here due to the stressful university life. Watching the Gold Cup Final right now gave me the idea of coming back here to talk about my past experiences with certain people on this forum, especially when talking about soccer. Only to find out right after that this forum will be deleted by midnight. Im not gonna join the discord, as I feel that it;s time for me to advance in my life. It sucks that Roblox had to mess this whole thing up. I dont hold grudges against anyone who I met on here, as its just an online game. This is my last ever post, thankyou everyone and goodbbye P.S. I already know half of that paragraph will be censored cuz of the stupid filters haha

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