Introduction -
All employees within Solanas Resort must comply with a set of written rules. Those who do not comply with these rules will be fired. Feel free to message an HR+ for any questions or concerns.
Simple Rules -
1: Do not post any inappropriate content at any part of the resort whatsoever. Not only is it against Solanas Resort rules, it is in violation of ROBLOX’s Term of Services.
2: No online dating, we don’t tolerate dating within the resort and this is a violation to ROBLOX’s Term of Service.
3: No advertising on the resort/discord/trello.
4: Respect everyone at all places in the resort at all times, or it will result in a demotion.
5: No spamming, this includes repeating text over a period of time and/or large unnecessary text.
6: No loud or annoying songs are allowed to be played through the music system on the game and on the Discord. Keep all topics in their respective channels, they need to be appropriate.
7: Refrain from causing an argument at your area during your work shift.
8: Do not expose any private information about you, this is a security and safety risk, but also a ROBLOX TOS violation.
9: Don't go behind ANY staff members backs. This is not allowed, if you are seen doing so it will result in a demotion. No trying to bypass the chat filter.
Dress Code -
All employees of Solanas Resort are required to wear appropriate clothing. Don’t wear something that wouldn’t be appropriate to wear in public. Uniforms are located in the front desk area behind the white divider with the Solanas Resort logo. Uniforms are mandatory at the resort for LR. MR+ are allowed to have free dress, but when trainings, meetings, and interviews are hosted, uniform must be worn.
Promotions -
We don’t free rank here at Solanas Resort. Asking for a promotion will decrease your chance of getting one. We look for staff members who are dedicated to their position. How do you get promoted? Customer Service and Receptionist are promoted different ways. Receptionists will have to get a certain amount of points to achieve their next rank. Customer Service must work hard at the Customer Service desk until a Director+ notices their activity and work style.
Activity -
All staff members of Solanas Resort are expected to be active. You should keep a positive attitude as you work each day to keep Solanas Resort the resort it has always been. LR staff members should be online at least once or twice per week. While you work, remember to keep professionalism, maturity, and grammar in mind. Solanas Resort does not tolerate bullying and harassment. If any staff member is caught bullying or harassing another employee or customer, they will be automatically fired. MRs are expected to be active on the resort and attend a certain amount of sessions each week. Failing to do this will result in a demotion. HR’s are also expected to attend sessions and be active on the resort. HR’s also handle serious decisions that Solanas Resort may face.
Responsibility -
As an employee of Solanas Resort you are required to be truthful at all times. Everyone here including HR’s will be held accountable for their actions. Staff members who do not take responsibility for their actions will be fired. That goes for everyone, even SHR’s.
Admin Commands -
MR+ are given mod/admin commands. They are expected to use admin commands appropriately and not Admin Abuse. MR+ should kick after 3 warnings are given. Staff should not use blacklisted commands such as :speed, :jump, :fly and so on, and so forth. Abusing is considered intolerable and will result in automatic demotion or termination of your current work status. This goes for everyone.
Credits -
Written by: Aren3000 and compathyy
Approved by: ASimply, oDavxd. newyorkerant, compathyy
Edited by: Solanas Resort Management