"I am not responsible for destroying JC"
oh yeah did roblox just randomly kick 65,000 people out of the group or was it the tooth fairy
GavineoJoin Date: 2007-04-17 Post Count: 1664 |
Agreed. |
"are you proud of what you made SC into"
"youre delusional if you think your era of SC is good."
I do a lot of what I do deliberately. I've never cheated (and you still cannot situate any event as actual cheating due to circumstances), and I am aware of what SC is and has been.
And I am comfortable with what I have done. I take responsibility for it. That is what a leader does. Atomic? You are not taking responsibility for what you are doing as the title of this thread states. You have the option to find alternatives and give JC a new chance under someone else. But you are not. It's selfish and ignorant. You are indeed responsible for destroying JC. That is all I was saying.
GavineoJoin Date: 2007-04-17 Post Count: 1664 |
There was Seviro Atomic did agree to give it back,
I was there. |
the difference between you and ryan is;
Ryan's nice and gave you a second chance when everyone was telling him not to
You're the complete opposite, you exiled 65,000 people from the group because you disliked John.
When >JOHN< is basically the reason AR is a thing
What happened to the agreement where you would give Ryan the group back if you didn't wanna lead it anymore?
BomberguyJoin Date: 2009-06-10 Post Count: 3245 |
Whoever exile botted JC is probs responsible for destroying JC |
I should've been given JC when I had a chance.
Interesting analysis. |
ARSultanJoin Date: 2016-12-07 Post Count: 141 |
"1) fail attempt to hype up ur trash clan"
im not relying on this subforum to hype my clan
"2) john's legacy ain't destroyed or anything, you're just dumb and wasted ryzoft's money"
a year from now jc wont be around for the new lil jimmies to say "wow pspjohn1 was a great leader"
"3) your still irrelevant"
sure means a lot from someone who bots social media followers |
Meh, who cares what he did to John's Cobras? It was his group to do with as he pleased the minute he was given ownership. That's how these things work.
Also, let's be honest here, nobody cared about JC unless there was some drama going on. We constantly mocked them, turned them into a joke here by calling them "Garden Snakes" and talking about actually making lawnmowers as weapons to use against them should they declare war on our groups, and several of us even said we wished they would just shut down. The ONLY time we ever respected JC was when Epicrules surrendered to RAT and F.E.A.R. back in 2012.
John sold it, Ryan eventually bought it, and decided to give it to Atom.
Whatever "glory" days JC had are long gone, and no amount of new owners could save it.
-Common Sense: Use it. |
Shoutout to the time Atomic balled his eyes out on teamspeak to ryan
"Also, let's be honest here, nobody cared about JC unless there was some drama going on. We constantly mocked them, turned them into a joke here by calling them "Garden Snakes" and talking about actually making lawnmowers as weapons to use against them should they declare war on our groups, and several of us even said we wished they would just shut down. The ONLY time we ever respected JC was when Epicrules surrendered to RAT and F.E.A.R. back in ###### #### 13th, the last time we called them garden snakes was back in 2013-2014... Interesting analysis. |
GavineoJoin Date: 2007-04-17 Post Count: 1664 |
Its not that he destroyed JC its that Atomic lied about giving it back to Ryan after what he did for Atomic.
It just seems so two faced. |
ARSultanJoin Date: 2016-12-07 Post Count: 141 |
"the difference between you and ryan is;
Ryan's nice and gave you a second chance when everyone was telling him not to
You're the complete opposite, you exiled 65,000 people from the group because you disliked John.
When >JOHN< is basically the reason AR is a thing "
how is john the reason why AR is a thing? theres not a single ounce of john's prints on the group.
he gave me a second chance when he didn't have to. he made a nice gesture fully knowing what he was putting on the line. we made no agreement, other than me saying if I ever decided to give away JC, I'd give it back to Ryan.
I never decided to give away JC.
ryan's only entitlement to JC is because he bought it 50/50 with gavin, how come gavin's not coming out of his shell saying he deserves JC too??? I spent 6 years with JC, the group is just as much mine and my own right to make a decision to shut it down. |
shutting the group down was reasonable, exiling like 65k people is very debatable rofl |
GavineoJoin Date: 2007-04-17 Post Count: 1664 |
Completely agreed Seviro
Him trying to make himself any better than John is actually funny when he did the exact same actions as he did. |
John is the reason why AR is a thing because of the following;
>John made you
>John made your community
>John is the reason why you're even relevant
the end
ARSultanJoin Date: 2016-12-07 Post Count: 141 |
I don't care about advertising my project here. I only advertise it here because it pertains to the clan world.
AR is not a project focused on attracting just clanners, there's a reason why I have higher feedback on Twitter than I do on this subforum |
John is the reason why AR is a thing because of the following;
>John made you
>John made your community
>John is the reason why you're even relevant
the end [2]
my bus got hit by a car | ClearPilot#6150 |