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#226681687Sunday, October 22, 2017 6:25 AM GMT

BE IT ENACTED BY THE STATE OF FIRESTONE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION I: AMENDMENTS a) The State of Firestone Constitution shall hereby be amended. b) Article III, Section V of the State of Firestone Constitution shall now state: “All citizens have the right to file for a civil court case, though any judge can dismiss any case that does not provide valid evidence, is unjust, or is not a valid case for the courts. No case with valid evidence for a crime committed can be dismissed. The Department of Justice shall be the only ones permitted to file a criminal case. The Attorney General and/or his/her deputy shall be responsible for assigning those who shall be the ones to prosecute in criminal cases. No one shall be an attorney for any party in any trial whether it be civil or criminal trials unless they are approved by the Department of Justice. The Attorney General shall be responsible for approving attorneys. The prosecution and defense of a case shall retain the right to receive a new judge, at random, should they believe that their judge may have bias to one of the parties in the case or may have conflict in the case. No absurdities are to be tolerated. Any request made for there to be a specific judge for a case are to be disregarded and not granted. Cases must be taken at random. No judge may take a case if they knowingly hold bias or conflict to one of the parties that may impair their judgement.” SECTION II: RATIFICATION a) The Judicial Branch and Department of Justice shall enforce this legislation. b) This piece of legislation shall go into effect immediately upon passage of both chambers of congress. c) All laws in conflict with this amendment are hereby declared null and void. Respectfully submitted to the State of Firestone Legislature, Chief Sponsor(s): Representative, Jaden_NH Deputy Attorney General, JamesDitomosso Co-Sponsor(s): Attorney General, MrShibe Lieutenant Governor, G i b son _ SG
#226721563Monday, October 23, 2017 12:29 AM GMT

Bad amendment.
#228342930Saturday, December 02, 2017 8:14 PM GMT

Bad Techiey

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