G'day, my fellow Citizens of the United Kingdom. If your applying for BBC, PM me you're Application or PM a Board of Directors or above.
You could also DM me Blue_Cave#8416
Must be an UK Citizen
Must have a disc
~~BBC's Application forum~~
1. Disc name
2. Are you in the United Kingdom?
3. Do you have any former jobs similar to BBC?
4. What role are you applying for?
5. Do you know how to write an Article?
6. What does BBC stand for?
7. What does the BBC do, what are their duties?
8. Scale from 1-10, how active are you?
9. Scale from 1-10, how good do you think your grammar is?
10. Will you be dedicated to BBC?
11. How long have you been in the United Kingdom?
12. Are you currently pending for BBC?
~~Thank you for applying for BBC~~
Do not ask, about your Application or your acceptance.
Trolling is not tolerated, you will be blacklisted from BBC.
DM me at Blue_Cave#8416 |