This is for the people, this people is known for doing crimes, and a liar, let me explain, so when I tried the first time to impeach mythric, it failed, but the 2nd time, the house pass it, the only problem is the senate knows nothing about this criminal, so I will explain the crimes he did, Driving on the wrong side of the road, jaywalking, running a red light, breaking election rules, and possibly endangering others. This person is also known to dislike me, and threatens me if I say "lies" he would take me to court, he did ##### ## once, but cannot be proven, mythric sounds like a power type of person, and is good friends with people that dislike me, I heard when I was guilty in court for treason (I didn't do it, but ok), he got very happy, I spoke with him, he is even trying to get me to remove his impeachment, he said in his statement that he never done crimes before, which is a lie, I checked the and he just got his records removed, he was a criminal but got his records removed, this person is corrupt in our government, and his state is allied with us, so here is what we should do, we should get him barred from any department and governmental offices in firestone, and he should be fired from his departments and his state should be unallied with firestone, this person is corrupt, if you need proof, dm me Jasonbourneaxis_ALT#0218, that is all I have to say, please support this
Former Representative Jasonbourneaxis. |