Congratulations to the Flames for winning the s15 HHCL Cup!
Playoffs MVP: Kathy_Baumgratz
PM me that you are returning, and the team you are returning under. Captains returning to the same team are more likely to get that team than other people who want it. You must provide a list of returning players with PROOF of them agreeing to play for you for the upcoming season. Returning rosters should know that for every player you keep (presigns dont count as a returning player), you lose a pick in the draft.
PM me the teams you wish to be, with 2 other pre-signees. You will need proof of these two pre-signees, and you must give me a list of THREE TEAMS you wish to be, and you must rank them in order from favorite to least favorite. You don't need the pre-signees to submit a team, if you get the team you will then need to submit your 2 pre-signees.
To be a captain you must have:
At LEAST a few seasons of hhcl/pghl experience. It would also help your case to have admin experience as well.
Must not be immature, and must have somewhat of a plan for the upcoming season (so that means dont apply if you are a random kid that has nobody in mind for presigns, draft, etc.)
For people who are admin or have had admin, must have at least a fairly good admin reputation. Minors admin doesnt count.
Do not always expect to get your #1 team. For people that are have made/are making things according to what team they're assuming to get, take this into consideration, its on you.
To apply, PM me on roblox only. Do not message me in any other platform about this. Please refrain from spamming me or sending me unnecessary messages as it will slow the organization process.
The deadline for the applications is in 3 days at midnight (December 5 11:59pm).
HHCL regular season awards coming out soon!