Swearing freely is allowed, as long as you don't direct it towards a player or a staff member
Absolutely NO INAPPROPRIATE or Not Safe For Work CONTENT you will be banned from the server if you send this type of material. Remember, ANYTHING INAPPROPRIATE is not allowed.
Advertising is forbidden.
Please do NOT discuss anything regarding politics or any recent disasters This will result in a mute.
Videos are allowed if you ask a Staff Member, and they say you may record.
Don't even think about spamming.
Making fun of or joking about being anything will result in an immediate mute.
Home Of Alaska
Alaska is the home of the Alaska State Troopers, we are to manage the streets and the cities of Alaska. We don’t quit, we never give up. We are to show Integrity, Loyalty, and Courage. We protect the State Of Alaska from any crimes committed no matter it be us stopping someone from running a red light or a stop sign.
AST: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=3211185
Have fun!
“Protect and Serve”
- Commissioner