Hello, if you are reading this then you must be a Staff or students! Welcome to Eastern Regional High! Here is your Staff/Students rules.
1. Staff must stay active ( If they are not you will get warnings)
2. All members should respect others
3. Students should behave during classes while your teacher is talking.
4. Music is only for Arrival and Lunch time
5. Staff must attend a least 1-2 Meeting or training each weekend
6. Staff must have all lesson memorized and prepared by the time you get to School
7. Students should be seated when the bell ring
8. Staff will only have 3 warnings and if that happens you will be fired
9. All members shouldn't talk about personal thing to others
10. Teacher and students should be in the class room when the bell rings
11. Please do not spam the group wall
12. Staff DON'T abuse your admin ( Will get warnings)