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#228402320Sunday, December 03, 2017 10:23 PM GMT

Greetings, citizens, employees, corrupted high ranks, and 600000 holders/"overseers" of India. Cheers to this new surge of activity in our country. Our new government is finally stable and in place, and now it is time for the appointed ministers to lay out our plans, ideas, and opinions for the future of this country. Since no other minister did this so far, I'll lay the initiative. Lets be real here, our country's army is currently weak compared to other stronger ro-nations. If we compared our army to one of our historical rivals, UK it would be like comparing the zulu tribal armies to the Navy Seals. Pretty shocking, I know. You should also know, Indian citizens, that we have more active holders than BTP's. Yep. Shocking Again. But I'm here to fix it all. My plans will revolutionize our millitary ranking and strength. We will boost activity with the support of our holders if they decide to shower help upon us commoners. My first prioritiy will be to get trainings and tryouts up and running for both IAF and ISF. If we can't fix ourselves a base, I will try my level best to host trainings at ou##F### ####ia. I also wish to shut down the airforce and navy. No one takes those branches seriously. For gods sake, Navy would just be be a bunch of pixel men on a pixel ship. We need to concentrate on our two main useful regiments, IAF and ISF, and making them a force to be reckoned with. With that, thank you for reading this and have a great day false arresting people at ND. Signed, RajputValor | Minister of Defense | Ex-President of India
#228402451Sunday, December 03, 2017 10:26 PM GMT

Those tags meant Fort Bhujia.
#228403198Sunday, December 03, 2017 10:41 PM GMT

#228403460Sunday, December 03, 2017 10:47 PM GMT

Facts Right here well said

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