ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴏᴋᴜɢᴀᴡᴀ ᴄʟᴀɴ | 徳川氏
The Tokugawa Clan Guide
List of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Rules
3. Weapons
## Formations and Drills
[1] Introduction
This is the Official Guide used by The Tokugawa Clan and it contains information for our member's use and guidance for common practice and code of conduct, it's also a reference for people who wants to learn more about our clan.
[2] Rules [We expect you to know, enforce, and follow the rules at all times]
❂You are not allowed to use faces(e.g. XD)and vulgar words when we are in a place where formality is a must.
❂You must obey the orders of samurai+.
❂Respect everyone even if they are lower than you.
❂You must wear your uniform when you are ON DUTY.
❂When Daimyo or Sozokujin passes by, you are to step aside and then bow.
❂You are not allowed to talk to Daimyo or Sozokujin unless you are a samurai+, given the permission to do so, or they are talking to you and requires you to respond.
❂When talking to Daimyo or Sozokujin, you must bow and stay bowing until you are done speaking or told otherwise.
❂Always greet High Ranking officials[Bugyo+]with a bow and greet them with "Kon'nichiwa (Address them by their rank)
[3] Weapons [Types of weapons that we use and its commands]
Yumi Commands: (Yumi is the japanese term for Bow.)
-Ute - Fire once
-Mokuteki - Aim
-Notchi - Take an arrow out
-Teiji Yumi - Present Yumi
-Yumi Auei - Yumi Away
-Ishi de hi - Fire At Will
Teppo Commands: (Musket)
-Shoulder Arms: Placing teppo on shoulder.
-Make Ready: Readying teppo.
-Take Aim // Present: Aiming teppo.
-Fire: Firing your teppo.
-Fire at Will: Firing on your own accord.
**Automatic reload and shoulder
-Order Arms: Remove the teppo tool
[4] Formations and Drills
Arrowhead- Forming a “V” like formation (by moving forward from the line). No units within the formation. Used as a guarding stance.
Command: “Form Arrowhead!”
Wedge- Forming a triangular shaped formation that is filled with units within the triangle. Used to break enemy lines or moving in an armored stance.
Command: “Form Wedge”
Square- Forming a square based on how the officer counts. 1’s move on right right side, 2’s stay still, 3’s move on the left side, 4’s move on the opposite closing the square. Used to defend from any cavalry attacks.
Command: “Form Square!”
Circle- Forming a circle around the Daimyo or Sozokujin. Leave no spaces between each soldier. Mainly used to guard the Daimyo or Sozokujin from any ambushes or whenever surrounded by the enemy.
Command: “Form Circle!”
Vocabulary to use:
Kon'nichiwa - Hello
Heiwa - Hello (casual)
Sayonara - Goodbye
Ja ne - See you around
Gomen'nasai - Sorry (formal)
Gomen - Sorry (casual)
Daijobu - Don't worry about it
Mondainai - Your welcome
Arigato Gozaimasu - Thank you (formal)
Arigato - Thank you (casual)
Hai (Yes)
Iie (No) --- Two i's, not Lie
Important translations:
Bushi - Samurai
Kijin - Eccentric or LEAD
Yato Takuta - Well fought (If you win a duel)
Yato Takutakka - Good win (If you lose a duel)
Yoi - Good
Yumi - Bow (As a command to bow for a high rank)
Commands to use:
Soba - Shoulder to shoulder (STS)
Rain! --- Vertical line, one behind another.
Teiji [weapon] --- Take out [weapon].
Auei --- Sheath your current weapon.
Kabe no [weapon] --- Form a wall with [weapon]
Kaeru --- Return to default formation
Kusabi katachi - Wedge formation
Hajime - Fight
Respectful naming:
(Name/Rank)-sama - Someone who is a higher rank.
(Name/Rank)-dono - Someone you respect alot and is a higher rank.
(Name/Rank)-san - Someone that's not a commander but you respect alot.
(Name/Rank)-kun - Formal to say someone you know.
(Name/Rank)-chan - Someone who's close to you as family.
Duel Ceremony:
[1] You enter the arena.
[2] Bow to 1. the host 2. your Daimyo or master 3. The other master 4. the opponent.
[3] You take out your weapon at the word "Hajime" and fight.
[4] Do step 2 the other way around.
[5.1] If you win you say Yato Takuta.
[5.2] If you lose you say Yato Takutakka.
Take orders only from the Kijin.
If there are no Kijin around they take orders only from their commander.
The commander takes orders from Sotaisho if there are no Kijin aroud.
People from the Tokugawa family are always to be respected, no matter their rank.
Vessal families are always open, Bushi from a family do not have to follow orders from anyone below the rank of Sotaisho when their own leaders are online. A vessal family is easier to rank up into, but when you leave that family, you go back to peasant instantly. Family leaders can take orders only from the Kijin. A Family leaders command goes over the command of any officer below the Kijin.
To start a vessal family you need to have official permission from the Daimyo himself.
[3]Bushido Code:
Way of the Warrior (Bushido)
The quality of being morally right, and/or justifiable. You must show fair and reasonable behaviour, even if you do not agree with the outcome or opinion of others.
The ability to do something that frightens one; Bravery. You must show strength in the face of pain, grief or fear. You must have the spirit and nerve that enables you to battle through emotions, and face difficulty.
Desire to do good to others. You must be charitable in your actions,and show kindness to to those who deserve it, wherever possible.
The regard for people's thoughts, feelings and wishes.You must admire others for their well-doing, show good manners and understanding towards everyone.
To be honest without hidden intentions or slyness. You must be truthful, whilst avoiding acting deceitful and being a hypocrite.
Nobility or integrity in one's beliefs and actions. You must be honourable and just. You must also behave with respect, and be true to your principals as well as being reliable.
A strong feeling of support or allegiance.You must be consistently faithful and obedient, as well as being able to carry out duties firmly. You must be true to your bond################## the people within the clan.
This guide is brought to you by The Tokugawa Clan
Sotaishu Rain75
Kogashira Thornsgud | Tōyama Kagemoto