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#228403162Sunday, December 03, 2017 10:40 PM GMT

[SECTION 1: CODES] Here are a few codes that you should know when patrolling in ND. These will become useful for quick actions. 11-99: Backup needed. 10-20: Current Location. 10-71: Gunshots heard, someone has been shot. 10-4 Message received, roger. 10-9: Repeat 10-3: Harassment If something is not a code then you are to say it. For example if you are patrolling then you would say, “Unit (number) patrolling the bank.” This can also go with other things such as: -”(Username), is to be arrested for (reason.) -”Officer needed at (location) for (reason)” -”I need (number) of officers to patrol (location)” ← For higher ranks. Also when you come in game you are required to say “Unit (number) signing in. ”This is similar to signing off, “Unit (number) signing off.” Unit Examples, “Unit-2 signing in, patrolling.” “Unit-2 signing out, off.” [SECTION 2: UNIFORM] Uniforms are to be worn when on duty. Also when you are at training's/tryouts. If you are caught without your uniform under these circumstances you will be warned. After 2 OFFENSES you will be suspended for 4 DAYS. If this continues you will be EXILED. (Uniform IDs) Lower Rank Uniform Shirt: ht################################################################Lower Rank Uniform Pants: ht############################################################---------------------------------- Senior Rank Uniform Shirt: ht#################################################################Senior Rank Uniform Pants: ht############################################################---------------------------------- HR Rank Uniform Shirt: ht#############################################################HR Rank Uniform Pants: ht############################################################ Officer In Training to State Patrol Unit should wear Lower Rank Uniform Counter Terr#########t to Police Inspectors should wear Senior Rank Uniform Inspector Gen. to Director of Police should wear HR Rank Uniform Note: If you can not afford both top and bottom please contact “nhpatel2” (Hats) When on duty there are certain hates you can and can not wear. Hats you can not wear: -Mask -Sword packs -Anything that is not on your head. Ex: Tail, bird on shoulder, etc. -Please stick with hair and FORMAL hats. (Do not be wearing rainbow top hats) **If this rule is broken, you will be warned ONCE. After that, its suspension for 3 days.** [SECTION 3: Rules/Behavior] Rules: -Respect should always be given to Higher Ranks. They are to be referred to as “Sir” or “Ma’am.”-Always respect yo####i####anks. If ever caught disrespecting, or if a report of you disrespecting comes, YOU WILL be suspended, for a max 3 days. If this continues, you will be exiled. -Always use grammar, especially on duty. If you have 3 offenses you will be suspended. -Do not abuse your tools. If this is violated, you will be suspended for 2 days. If this continues after the suspension, you will be EXILED. -Always use emergency codes. - NO "Slang" should be used on duty. If caught, it will result in suspension, and if done after that, then exile. Behavior: -You DO NOT fool around in ND. Or do "1#######R "Taser war". If caught doing this, it will result in immediate SUSPENSION. If it occurs after suspension, you will be exiled. -You are to be respectful to your comrades. -Do not be unkind to any citizen unless they are committing some act of crime. (even then it should be reasonable.) -You are not to swear. Especially on the radio. If you have something to say to someone feel free to do it outside of ROBLOX. -Any sign of immaturity will be warned. After 3 times you will be suspended. If it continues, it will result in EXILE. [SECTION 4: Training] Police training's and tryouts will be hosted here at Camp Raj. Link: ht############################################################################## Lessons to cover during training's: -Shooting precision (done through GFT’s) -Breach and Clear -Codes -Quick Examination (Few questions that they should be able to answer. Ex. What is the code the “Understood.” They should answer, “10-4, Sir/Ma’am.”) -Obstacles (This is optional as it is not as important as the others. Feel free to make it a lesson on quickness and the ability to overcome hard task.) Cars for Police will be implemented in ND later. Go to the vehicle training place for these lessons: -Car/Motorcycle Driving (Safety, Rules, etc.) -High Risk Stops (HRS) -Pulling someone over -Car Chases (This includes barricading to stop the suspect’s car.) There should be 1 - 3 trainers during each training/tryout. There will be one main training and possible assistant trainers. Signed ~IndianHolder- Founder of India

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