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#228414591Monday, December 04, 2017 3:18 AM GMT

#228415409Monday, December 04, 2017 3:46 AM GMT

wake up moderators
#228415573Monday, December 04, 2017 3:51 AM GMT

I think it’s wrong that I have paid good money to create a VIP server on Zombie Rush and Natural Disaster and my friends can’t even join me on them...I even individually added all 122 friends as per instructions...sent the configured ######### jumped through every hoop required to make these VIP servers work, I have now discovered it’s a fraud and want to cancel these servers and disable them....and this software can’t even do that...I will be contacting my ###### #### company to stop you from charging for a product that doesn’t work.
#228415831Monday, December 04, 2017 4:00 AM GMT

lol My siggy is better than yours
#228416274Monday, December 04, 2017 4:16 AM GMT

ftvc/mk.,mm,kjnxbxhvncjdxml,szkmsnj ################################################################################################################ k/t mftvckmftvcmfvc /kmfvc/m ftvcm/
#228417405Monday, December 04, 2017 5:00 AM GMT

Well it was deleted
#228420184Monday, December 04, 2017 7:29 AM GMT

Its deleted. #code A random stranger

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