Field Manual for Köni##########ußen
▬♚Table of Contents♚▬
I. Overview
II. The Musket
a. Basic Controls
b. Firing and Combat Orders
III. Infantry Commands
V. Formations
VI. Ranks
VII. Conclusion
This guide will go over everything from how to handle a musket, to performing maneuvers in a combat situation. The manual is not only for Recruits, but is also handy for any Officer to review.
▬♚The Musket♚▬
a. Basic Controls
Fix Bayonets! - B
Right Shoulder! - G
Ground Arms! - H
Guard Arms! - J
Trail Arms! - K
Support Arms! - L
Prepare Charge! - X (Left click to stab and right click to block)
Right Shoulder Shift! - N
Order Arms! - Musket Away
Reload - R | Left Click After Discharge
Shoulder Arms! - Return to original position with musket on left shoulder
b. Firing and Combat Orders
Make Ready! - Left Click : Every man in line readies their musket
Present! - F | Or Zoom In And Right Click : Every man in line aims their musket towards the enemy
Fire! - Every man in the line simultaneously fires and automatically reloads unless bayonets are fixed
Fire At Will! - Every man in line may fire freely, sometimes this means firing as quick as possible, other times it means waiting an extra second to get the best shot
Cease Fire! - Halt fire and shoulder arms immediately
Ripple Fire! - Fire one by one starting from the man closest to the officer in charge of the line
Fix Bayonets! - All men in line prepare bayonets (B)
Prepare Charge! - All men ready to charge (X)
Charge! - All men charge enemy line without stopping to fire
▬♚Infantry Commands♚▬
Form File! - All men form a single file line behind the officer leading the line, can be modified to more than one rank (column)
Form Right/Left! - All men form a straight line, shoulder to shoulder, to the left/right of the officer leading the line
Reform! - Immediately return to the officer leading the line and assume the last formation
Shoulder to Shoulder! - Line up next to the other men with your shoulder 1 stud apart from their shoulder in a straight line in front of the officer giving the command or where they are indicating, can be modified to form more than one ###k####w#####Company, Prepare to March - All men prepare to march (Usually done in file order)
Forward, March! - March and follow the man in front of you, the soldier in the front follows the officer in front
Company, Halt! - Stop marching
Reverse Column! - Every man turns around 180 degrees and marches the opposite direction
Right/Left Flank March! - Every man turns 90 degrees and marches in that direction while maintaining in line with officer and other soldiers
Retreat! - Every man turns around and runs back to nearest friendly line, do not turn around to return fire or reload
Right/Left Face - Turn 90 degrees in the direction ordered
Right/Left Incline - Turn 45 degrees in the direction ordered
About Face - Turn 180 degrees
Center Face - Whichever way you are faced, turn until facing the officer giving the orders
Shoulder to Shoulder
Form File
Stagger Formation - Man closest to officer steps back a muskets length, the second man stands still, the third moves back, and so on (121212121)
Squa######mation- Form a square around the commanding officer with bayonets attached, make sure to stay slightly spread out instead of completely shoulder to shoulder, this is mainly used when defending from cavalry
Skirmish Formation - Spread out the spacing of 3 men
Ranks below have a provided English equivalent
1 König - King
2##e#################### #i#####arshal
3 Großer Generalstab - General Staff
4 Oberst - Colonel
5 Oberstleutnant - Lieutenant Colonel
6 Ma##### #a#####7 Hauptmann - Captain
8 Oberleutnant - Lieutenant 1st Class
9 Leutnant - Lieutenant 2nd Class
10 Fähnrich - Ensign
11 Feldwebel - Sergeant Major
12 Unterfeldwebel - Color Sergeant
13 Unteroffizier - Sergeant
14 Obergefreiter - Corporal
15 Gefreiter - Lance Corporal
16 Oberschütze - Senior Private
17 Schütze - Private
18 Kadett - Cadet
This document may be changed at any time by the König for any reason, its sole purpose is for the use by ########## Preußen
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