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#228416115Monday, December 04, 2017 4:10 AM GMT

I was Warned for Making a Shirt that would help my group in a Fire Department Role Play and i have a Normal Rank Uniform top and a Captains top they were accepted, Then i try to upload a Lieutenants uniform top... i got a Warning because a Roblox Moderator Thought that the Uniform was "Inappropriate" now my question is How did the two other uniforms get accepted but not the Lieutenants uniform and was the "Warning" Valid?
#228416167Monday, December 04, 2017 4:12 AM GMT

Oof, were there any Inappropriate Symbols on it?
#228416254Monday, December 04, 2017 4:16 AM GMT

Nope the Only things that were on it was the Honolulu Fire Dept. Patches and the Rank of the Lieutenant and the Name tag had "Honolulu Fire Dept. Lieutenant"
#228418730Monday, December 04, 2017 6:07 AM GMT

If you are absolutely sure your group t-shirt meets Roblox ToS, you can be assured it is a mod mistake. Please check your shirt now to check it is compliant with the ToS. Get in contact with roblox to either find out what was wrong or nullify the warning.

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