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#228417065Monday, December 04, 2017 4:47 AM GMT

Science is observation if it isn't observation it is simply a theory and nothing else. I would also like quote" The Scientific department is responsible for studying all contained and new SCP objects, developing countermeasures for containment breach events and designing various devices and ######### products to be produced by the Manufacturing Department." is the purpose of the scientific department it main goal is basically to study all contained SCPs see whatever stick to the wall if it's too deadly it would move to keter if it's safe it would simply be used for domestic value as the lounge or etc. I'm man of honestly I wanna drive foundation goals of not being ignorant but having knowledge. From previous roles from this group, I would want to drive the goal of the foundation of to not be ignorant but have knowledge not be in the dark afraid that secure others and keep the society and population in the light while we fight in the dark. Secondly, Without the SCD, the foundation might as well be a military group of SD and MTF the SCD make the group unique it's the cornerstone of the foundation so I wanna join in. SCP-999 is Object class Safe which is harmless SCP but as I quote," SCP-999 is allowed to freely roam the facility should it desire to, but otherwise must stay in its pen. ####### ## not allowed out of its pen at night or off facility grounds at any time. ### ## to be kept clean and food replaced twice daily. All personnel are allowed inside SCP-999’s holding area, but only if they are not assigned to other tasks at the time, or if they are on break. Subject is to be played with when bored and spoken to in a calm, non-threatening tone." Must be in it's pen at night pen must be kept clean and spotless and is more of doglike SCP due to it's harmless and docile nature it is safe by any personnel and is safe. By information and observation is classified is safe nature. I benefit the department merely from experience as I was a former member of Security Department I can certainly help in SCD department of whatever task required for me fulfill. the Scientific department will also benefit for me as I am man of knowledge and I want to know more about science and about the foundation the foundation benefit for me mainly because our job is simple we test we just testers we test SCPS see if they are acceptable or damnable that is why I wanna be SCD and I know why scientific department will benefit me as well.

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