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#228417914Monday, December 04, 2017 5:22 AM GMT

For Hellion and well, I'm stuck I had a layout I was gonna do in mind, and I keep expanding on the idea more and more as I go I think I should be fine in terms of the layout and stuff, but I'm stumped on what to fill it with I have a few decent skyscrapers a MASSIVE hangar for dropships and stuff, ### ### ##### and some sort of sky card thing like where you sit in it and it transports you on some fancy looking rail around the city and stuff for quicker movement as the city is big I just don't know like what specific types of shops I should put in, what the main road should look like, what other buildings should look like, if I should add terrain or keep it all cold and metal/concrete if anyone could give me examples of any cities to go off of for ideas, or just any ideas in general and stuff yeah that'd be great

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