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#228426896Monday, December 04, 2017 3:30 PM GMT

Lore: Years after the dissolution and turmoil of the Commonwealth in the U.K, was rather uneasy and unprecedented. Albeit, the forces inside the U.K were still retaining their original Union Jacks and other notable features to later proliferate the number of supporters. After the TNUA had left the U.K to fend for itself, for its ensuing war on the US. The British and other English citizens had a fervor to retaliate as they recuperated from the drop of a biological gas, named C-17 Trixie. Any quintessential leaders begun garnering enough people to further expand on their journey to come into contact with anyone else, but due to the use of EMP and nuclear bombs during the war. This later precluded them, and all operations to fulfill this later backed out from duty. Meanwhile back in the U.S, many groups of British forces were deployed to deftly sequester the TNUA forces in the Invasion of Florida, on August 8th. In the midst of their development, they had been left to fend for themselves as they knew their homeland was purely gone. As years went on and until 2021, any sensible group of deployed British forces had grouped up together and thus culminated into the NEDF. In their Defence force, consisted up of the municipal system and varying among arbitrary ways to either be like the original forces or simply be the normal Commonwealth. Together, the main number of NEDF launched consecutive raids and operations to later expand their numbers. Some advocated the message of the newly introduced group, some raided abandoned places. The origin of the NEDF was rather muddy and a bit refuted due to the extent of forces demanding to come home. The NEDF now is not much of a massive force as it initially was, only comprising up of the regiments deployed; and mostly volunteers or old service workers. Then again, they only had non-dominant lands across the vicinity, that armed itself in the now independent country of Canada. The NEDF only serves one counterintuitive role in the US; defend, they work, coexisting in the town of Oxford in Illinois. The NEDF still retains their old combat insignia’s, MMO’s and various more. At the end of the spectrum, they generally worked as a militia rather than a military. The people in the NEDF, do not have their original gear, as it either had gone redundant, and or changed to fit the basis of the normal NEDF. Today, it is June 23rd, 2021, the world is in chaos now and the NEDF’s everlasting way to perpetuate the Commonwealth is rather on its hiatus. Additionally, they now grow in quantity in the town of Oxford, lurking in military checkpoints, and ensuring the ethics of once was their home to be put into play. ‘’May god envy us’’ - New England Defence Force Motto

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