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#24013Sunday, April 22, 2007 2:18 AM GMT

I’m making this book here what I have so far…. Yicveer is the maker of Ackasimuka, she is child of gluenmass. Her brother’s name is dodangey, who is owner of uldeerma. She did not always lived on the island, she was born on earth, then crash on a plane on Ackam when she was 14, and never came back to earth. She found a man that had crash on the island when she was 25, she fell in love with him, and ended up marrying him, he renamed his self to an Ackam name, he change his name when he was 29, he called himself Yicmyth, She was 27 and he was 29 when they got married. She had a child at 30, her name was Yicathief, they had to leave the island and go to Guen, Yicathief was left on the island, and there she lived with welf’s her whole life. Yicathief was soon found by people that had crash on the island, they were the first people to get off the island, they took her with them, there she lived for many years, till her mom found her and told her to go back to the island. The island is not really an island it is made of continents, it’s called a contentors. Yicveer’s mother is Gluenmass wife, her name was Galdana, when before she died she told Gluenmass to give Ackasimuka to Yicveer, and Uldeerma to Dodangey. There are only two contentors, both have three continents. Here are the names of the continents Ackam, Ukama, and Simday. Guen is a safe place protected by a monster called the rudamena; Guen is for only really imported people like Gluenmass and Galdana. How to say: (Ul-deer-ma) uldeerma. (Ack-ca-sim-u-ca) Akasimuka. (Glue-n-mass) gluenmass. (Do-dang-gee) dodangey. (Ru-dam-ena) rudamena. Do you guys like it? it has more then that, this is just the history of Ackasimuka. It is like Greek mythology isn't it? I think it will be great when I finish it, so please put you're input on it. Please dont copy it, I worked hard on it and I dont want some one to copy it. So that's about it, and if anyone want to be my editor that would be great, so just message me if you do. Thank you.
#24015Sunday, April 22, 2007 2:20 AM GMT

i dont get it?
Top 100 Poster
#24066Sunday, April 22, 2007 12:31 PM GMT

Wow maybe you can upload this on wiki
#24092Sunday, April 22, 2007 2:15 PM GMT

Great story! It would be awsome if you could put it on the wiki :) ?-Anaminus-?
Top 100 Poster
#24095Sunday, April 22, 2007 2:57 PM GMT

#24185Sunday, April 22, 2007 7:55 PM GMT

Roblox wiki or Wikipedia? Also what do you mean put it on the wiki? How do I do that?
#24198Sunday, April 22, 2007 8:14 PM GMT

i still dont get it? i read it 5 times and i just dont!
#24225Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:14 PM GMT

It’s a book I’m making; this is just the history of Ackasimuka. Anyway this is the story of the Drigean….. Guen was made by Yicveer when she had a daughter, when she had Yicathif. Whet happened was people of Simday wanted power, to get power they would have to first kill Yicveer, because if they tried killed Yicathief first Yicveer would protect her so they could hurt her. They could not kill Yicveer because she was powerful. They needed to find a powerful enemy of hers, so they went to a volcano drust; a drust is a dragon look human with goat legs and horns with a long lizard tail with wings. So they went to Mafara who is a volcano drust, and she told them to go to Ukama’s largest tree, called the bamba tree of life. And get to the top and get the fruit that is on the very top, it will be the only red fruit you see; all around it will be yellow fruits. Grab it then take it back to me, then I will tell where to go next. So they went to the village and ask people to come with them, they got fifteen men to come. Then they went to the store and got lots of food and supplies. Then ridded a ship to Ukama, when they got there they had a close encounter with a pack of red welf’s. but then safely escaped, they got to the tree in one day, so then they climbed the tree, when they got to the top one of the men spotted something, it was glopster; a big bird that has horns and four lion feet with a dragon tail and spikes down its back. They had to be quick, one of the men took his darts and shoots the glopster with it, it was poison darts, it hit it, and the glopster fell to the ground in a matter of minuets. The men look down as the bird fell to its doom, then they looked for the fruit, they found it in a few minuets. Then they went back to Mafara, she was very pleased with them, then she said “now get me a druff egg, and then I will tell you what you have to do next”. So then they got more food and supplies and went to Ackam to fetch the druff egg; a druff is a snake with wings and two arms with long claws and are about 10 feet tall. When they got to a nice spot to camp one of the men went to fetch water, when he got to pond he saw a beautiful lady, it was the child of Sarma; Sarma is the hero of love and beauty. Sarma’s daughter Melisma was sitting on a rock and washing her hair in the river, Melisma is hero of hated love, she got married to Gezart; Gezart is the hero of the underworld. And then he left her for a beautiful princess of Simday, he did not know she was daughter of Sarma, she was very mad and now tricks men into marrying her, then she kills them with a kiss of death. He looked at her then said “hello who may you be?” She looks at him then says “I am love and hate”. He look at her, “don’t do it, she is tricking you!” yelled a man in a coat, he backed away. Then she said “come with me”, he followed her into the dark forest, he was never seen again. After that the men traveled along the river, they finally came to a stop, one of the men climb up a tree to see a better view, “there it is, a druff nest”. They went to the druff nest, when they got there a big druff came out, they took out there knife and sword, then something amazing happened, a pack of blue welf came from the back and scared it away and chased it till they caught it. The men were astonished about it; they grab one druff egg and left. When they got back, Mafara was very happy then she said “this egg will hatch and when it does feed it the fruit, the fruit has magical power that will make it very strong” the men waited a week for it to hatch, when it did they fed it the fruit and something unimaginable happened, it got really big and could breath fire…… Read part two to find out more….
#24227Sunday, April 22, 2007 10:38 PM GMT

So do you guys like this one? And I’m thinking about having my own website for my stories, does anyone know how to do that? My brother is being a jerk so he won’t help me. Now that I can’t play roblox I have lots of free time for my book, you guys will be hearing lots of cool weird stories on forums.
#24238Sunday, April 22, 2007 11:25 PM GMT

web site amkein is hard.... but my space and pizco are easy to do
#24474Tuesday, April 24, 2007 7:38 PM GMT

Are92 DiamondRider was the first acting team

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