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#27087Tuesday, May 08, 2007 11:48 AM GMT

i need too know how to make admin doors for a team at my place or the people whould just take other teams weppons like the red team base i saw people in my face takeing weppons from red team and thats why i need admin doors that only work for teams AND IF ANYONE KNOWS HOW TO DO THAT PLZ TELL ME
Stealth Pilot
Top 100 Poster
#27095Tuesday, May 08, 2007 5:05 PM GMT

door = script.Parent local debounce = false function onTouch(part) if part.Parent == nil then return end local name = part.Parent.Name local user = game.Players:findFirstChild(name) if user ~= nil then if user.TeamColor == door.BrickColor and debounce == false then debounce = true door.Transparency = 0.5 wait(0.5) door.Transparency = 1 door.CanCollide = false wait(1) door.Transparency = 0.5 wait(0.5) door.Transparency = 0 door.CanCollide = true debounce = false end end end door.Touched:connect(onTouch) ____________________________________________________________________________ Put this script in the brick of your choice. Now color the door as the same color as the team that the door is for, the EXACT color. Now only the allowed team can enter. Best! PilotLuke
#27099Tuesday, May 08, 2007 6:33 PM GMT

wow cool
#27342Thursday, May 10, 2007 12:10 AM GMT

#27359Thursday, May 10, 2007 1:49 AM GMT

I still Don't get this

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