#46476117Sunday, May 01, 2011 9:36 AM GMT

When will i be in the movie, sunday, monday or thrusday? I cannot be in days above wednesday.
#46652836Thursday, May 05, 2011 6:01 AM GMT

I'll be james
#46652852Thursday, May 05, 2011 6:03 AM GMT

actuly im gonna be kenny
#46674722Thursday, May 05, 2011 11:26 PM GMT

Scooter:(ME) James: shock691 Alex: TheNman1:Dannyalien Kenny:supmario64:moneyxtoxblow:DemonBro783 Jonathan: Sporeman45:pygmiesrule Tim: FIREKJ Kevin:GIRco Vince: videogameinviter101:ROBLOXian57689 (or whateva) Drake: P1atnum Tommy:nothin5555 Connor: shiversbower1:123ferboterbo Kelly: SummerCake:skunkycat Nikki: SUSANKILLER666 Eve: bluecloud6606 Hannah: ccd1234 Stephanie:miranda1234567 Crystal:RobloxThemeGuest Diana: mericatscombo Andrea: Chelsea0987 Jenny: Gkko Jailene: ashley856 Melissa: Hannah5379:prettykity26 Carmen:XxPlaygirlxX Renea (Scooters Best friend):Renea777 :3 Costumes: Builder: Scripter:DerekHunter123 Decals: retexturer:scooterthunderfish:ScootaThundaFish There will be no auditions. Extra people are if the regular person doenst show up. Finnaly we have everyone. Now PLZ say a time and day you can come. You shall see a message saying check the forum Life of a ROBLOXian daily
#46678897Friday, May 06, 2011 12:36 AM GMT

#46772336Sunday, May 08, 2011 12:05 AM GMT

Scooter:(ME) James: shock691 Alex: TheNman1:Dannyalien Kenny:supmario64:moneyxtoxblow:DemonBro783 Jonathan: Sporeman45:pygmiesrule:GOFORGOLDCROZ Tim: FIREKJ Kevin:GIRco Vince: videogameinviter101:ROBLOXian57689 (or whateva) Drake: P1atnum Tommy:nothin5555 Connor: shiversbower1:123ferboterbo Kelly: SummerCake:skunkycat Nikki: SUSANKILLER666 Eve: bluecloud6606 Hannah: ccd1234 Stephanie:miranda1234567 Crystal:RobloxThemeGuest Diana: mericatscombo Andrea: Chelsea0987 Jenny: Gkko Jailene: ashley856 Melissa: Hannah5379:prettykity26 Carmen:XxPlaygirlxX Renea (Scooters Best friend):Renea777 :3 Costumes: Builder: Scripter:DerekHunter123 Decals: retexturer:scooterthunderfish:ScootaThundaFish There will be no auditions. Extra people are if the regular person doenst show up. Finnaly we have everyone. Now PLZ say a time and day you can come. You shall see a message saying check the forum Life of a ROBLOXian daily
#46773706Sunday, May 08, 2011 12:36 AM GMT

You basically have scooter perfect.....Smart, funny, popular, everyone likes him, girls love him.....just to much, give him one flaw.(Not to be rude or anything just ideas)
#46781455Sunday, May 08, 2011 2:52 AM GMT

I'm mostly avalible on Sundays and Saturdays, I have to go to school untill 3:00 on the other days.
#46838293Monday, May 09, 2011 3:31 AM GMT

ok scooby. fine. Hmmmmm.....hes bad at math. Is that good enough?
#46883785Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:48 PM GMT

Fellow ROBLOXians! We might be having audtions!
#46884585Tuesday, May 10, 2011 2:37 PM GMT

Wait, aren't you Scooby? I remember saying th
#46884610Tuesday, May 10, 2011 2:38 PM GMT

Uh oh, I accedentally pressed post in an attempt to cancel. D: I may be wrong, but isn't scooby played as you? I remember saying that one of the guys was good at math and a nerd.
#46884623Tuesday, May 10, 2011 2:40 PM GMT

Oh no, I'm getting confused with Scooby-Doo now. >.< "Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?..."
#47214589Wednesday, May 18, 2011 1:26 AM GMT

@ebilgames Scooby? No such thing in this. LOL.
#47222140Wednesday, May 18, 2011 6:04 AM GMT

Heh i wouldnt mind if anything just choose for me! (not girl though.....)
#47244033Wednesday, May 18, 2011 11:46 PM GMT

dude add a skater and i will play it have him be like scooters 3rd best friend or sumthing and give him a gf or not what ever
#47244212Wednesday, May 18, 2011 11:49 PM GMT

also you could name the skater guy if you add him Blaine
#47316204Saturday, May 21, 2011 12:09 AM GMT

#47341363Saturday, May 21, 2011 2:21 PM GMT

I could also be the decal art and the camera man.. Im good with cameras.. im also good with art.. i could laso be Kenny but it seems everyone wants to be kenny so ill just be decal/camera man
#47429715Monday, May 23, 2011 12:20 AM GMT

Scooter:(ME) James: shock691 Alex: TheNman1:Dannyalien Kenny:supmario64:moneyxtoxblow:DemonBro783 Jonathan: Sporeman45:pygmiesrule:GOFORGOLDCROZ Tim: FIREKJ Kevin:GIRco Vince: videogameinviter101:ROBLOXian57689 (or whateva) Drake: P1atnum Tommy:nothin5555 Connor: shiversbower1:123ferboterbo Kelly: SummerCake:skunkycat Nikki: SUSANKILLER666 Eve: bluecloud6606 Hannah: ccd1234 Stephanie:miranda1234567 Crystal:RobloxThemeGuest Diana: mericatscombo Andrea: Chelsea0987 Jenny: Gkko Jailene: ashley856 Melissa: Hannah5379:prettykity26 Carmen:XxPlaygirlxX Renea (Scooters Best friend):Renea777 :3 Costumes: Builder: Scripter:DerekHunter123 Decals:videogameinviter101 Camera:^^^^^ retexturer:scooterthunderfish:ScootaThundaFish Life of a Robloxian is currently cancelled. I am still taking roles,and i need a scripter. We will not film for a while until further notice. Thank you.
#47432416Monday, May 23, 2011 1:04 AM GMT

#47634772Friday, May 27, 2011 11:09 PM GMT

duED--I Already called costumes.
#47639362Saturday, May 28, 2011 12:29 AM GMT

You might want to discribe more than just Scooters personality.
#47640723Saturday, May 28, 2011 12:52 AM GMT

All right everyone, what are the proper dress code for characters?
#47643567Saturday, May 28, 2011 1:34 AM GMT

Well he might want you to look like a human.