Great ROBLOXia is a long series of people who go around different areas of ROBLOXia.
Because ROBLOXia is a huge, imaginative realm is is protrayed as many different islands. For instance, a dinosaur island, a robotic island, a war island, and many others. The characters (well, the good ones anyways) are adventures who continue to different areas.
So, here are the cast. Tell me what you think.
By the way, this takes place on ROBLOX. You keep whatever your name is on ROBLOX.
Character 1 is the leader of the group and afraid of noone. Has to be male. Is strong and important-like.
Character 2 is also sort of the leader and extremely intelligent. Has to be female.
Character 3 is dim witted but in the most precise, hardest problems he becomes extremely smart.
Character 4 is very brave but not to smart.
Character 5 is an expert on weapons. Knows them all.
Character 6 is not brave but pretty much the main character. never speaks.
And then the bad guys...
"The Doctor" is an evil scientist who actually nukes one island and causes radiation sickness to make it create zombies. Appears in many different islands. DEFINITLY ME THOUGH.
Enemy 2 is an assassian who stops the squad but is never unmasked. Kind of mysterious.
Enemy 3 is a minion, a sort of troll thing. Any of the hats following may work: Troglydite leader, predator, mangler, Green Alien, Gremlin, or any other monster like things. He never speaks though. |