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#45707960Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:32 PM GMT

You have all been selected to the finals on ROBLOXias Next Top Model! It's all about the looks, style and attitude now, and you must look your best till the very end. You have been selected for the finals, and now you must battle against 6 other contestants to win. Its all about the looks, style and attitude and thats all that you, and your fellow six contestants need to think about. It's all upto the host, and maybe the public on who stays.. and who goes! In this ROBLOXias Next Top Model - It will only be for the girls, so please, only apply if you are a girl! I will only need photo's of each contestant, but I will call for you when needed. ___________________________________________________________________________ Host: XxPlaygirlxX. Contestant 1(Jennifer): Contestant 2(Ruby): Contestant 3(Jasmine): Contestant 4(Shadow): Contestant 5(Jessica): Contestant 6(Rachel): Contestant 7(Natasha): Contestant Profiles are below: Contestant 1 also known as Jennifer. Jennifer is your normal, sassy girl. She wears anything casual, cute and comfertable, with her brown/blonde hair down. Jennifer may have the sassy girl style but thats not all that counts for her, Jennifer is a sweet, fun and loving girl who is liked by many, yet Jennifer is very snappy and a sore loser. Contestant 2 also known as Ruby. Ruby is more of the geeky girl. She wears somthing like a domo nerd shirt with her black framed nerd glasses, she wears her brown/blonde hair down at all times. Ruby may have the geeky girl style yet she is the joker of the group, always making the other contestants laugh, which is a good thing for her. Ruby only has one let down, which is that she is not paitent. Contestant 3 also known as Sarah. Sarah is a normal, tomboy girl. She will wear anything that makes her feel comfertable, normally accompanied with her black converse, with her black/brown hair either held up in a fedora or straight down. Sarah is has a good sence of humor and she always listens to everyone yet she can be very sensitive if someone insults her. Contestant 4 also known as Shadow. Shadow is the emo girl. She will always wear long sleeved clothing, to cover up the slashes on her arms, but always makes sure what she wears is black and red, normally having her black hair straight down. Shadow has a very unique personality, and if you befriend her, she is honest, kind and open. Shadow is a loner, and she is very quite, argumentitive and stubborn therefore none of the other girls like her. Contestant 5 also known as Jessica. Jessica is the most unique girl out of the contestants, Jessica always wears somthing artistic, normally created by herself. Jessica wears both light and dark colours, as long as it is artsy, always wearing her blonde/brown hair down, sometimes accompanied by some sort of hat. Jessica is a very artistic, unique girl but she is quite quiet and dislikes Shadow, alot. Jessica finds Shadow to be the lowest of the group, the one who will be bound to lose. Contestant 6 also known as Rachel. Rachel is the most quiet in the contestants, yet she has one of the best fashion sences. Rachel always wears somthing that shows off her figure, yet does not look to over the top, normally accompanied by her black or red ugg boots, normally with her brown hair down Rachel is the sweet, caring girl in the group yet she is almost silent, when it comes to her fashion shoot she is very shy yet likes having photos taken. Contestant 7 also known as Natasha. Natasha is the most girly of the contestants, and has quite a good fashion sence. Natasha normally wears somthing pink, sparkly and glamerous, yet normally over the top, with stilletos or shoes covered in glam. Natasha has her blonde hair down, normally accompanied with some sort of accessorie. Natasha is very snobby, stuck up and is a spoilt brat, thinking that nobody can become better than she is but is friends with all the other contestants, except Shadow.
#45718326Sunday, April 17, 2011 9:30 PM GMT

#45719889Sunday, April 17, 2011 9:59 PM GMT

Could I be Shadow?
#45720783Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:16 PM GMT

Host: XxPlaygirlxX. Contestant 1(Jennifer): Contestant 2(Ruby): Contestant 3(Jasmine): Contestant 4(Shadow): Miranda1234567. Contestant 5(Jessica): Contestant 6(Rachel): Contestant 7(Natasha):
#45722302Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:47 PM GMT

jessica plz
#45722358Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:48 PM GMT

Host: XxPlaygirlxX. Contestant 1(Jennifer): Contestant 2(Ruby): Contestant 3(Jasmine): Contestant 4(Shadow): Miranda1234567. Contestant 5(Jessica): Purple513. Contestant 6(Rachel): Contestant 7(Natasha):
#45722565Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:51 PM GMT

or natasha so playgirl with this do we have to design our own clothes
#45722624Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:52 PM GMT

ill accaly stay as jessica because shes not a spoilt brat
#45722789Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:55 PM GMT

Ooc; Spoilt brat Natasha might win, but anyway, I am not sure about that yet.
#45722821Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:55 PM GMT

(I thought you pick out of there Clothing and how they look best! Not just pick like that...)
#45722897Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:57 PM GMT

Ooc; Yeah - I agree with Miranda.
#45722906Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:57 PM GMT

I'll be Jennifer.
#45722950Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:57 PM GMT

Host: XxPlaygirlxX. Contestant 1(Jennifer): Sunburst1031. Contestant 2(Ruby): Contestant 3(Jasmine): Contestant 4(Shadow): Miranda1234567. Contestant 5(Jessica): Purple513. Contestant 6(Rachel): Contestant 7(Natasha):
#45724140Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:18 PM GMT

I'll be Natasha.
#45724174Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:19 PM GMT

Host: XxPlaygirlxX. Contestant 1(Jennifer): Sunburst1031. Contestant 2(Ruby): Contestant 3(Jasmine): Contestant 4(Shadow): Miranda1234567. Contestant 5(Jessica): Purple513. Contestant 6(Rachel): Contestant 7(Natasha): JennaRaeChambers.
#45724318Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:21 PM GMT

Even though I dislike pink I guess I'll have to wear it, I'm snobby like Natasha.
#45724334Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:21 PM GMT

I'll be Rachel
#45724370Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:22 PM GMT

Host: XxPlaygirlxX. Contestant 1(Jennifer): Sunburst1031. Contestant 2(Ruby): Contestant 3(Jasmine): Contestant 4(Shadow): Miranda1234567. Contestant 5(Jessica): Purple513. Contestant 6(Rachel): Rug437. Contestant 7(Natasha): JennaRaeChambers.
#45724463Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:24 PM GMT

Actually, I'll be Ruby! I'm a nerd like her and I joke around alot
#45724530Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:25 PM GMT

Host: XxPlaygirlxX. Contestant 1(Jennifer): Sunburst1031. Contestant 2(Ruby): JennaRaeChambers. Contestant 3(Jasmine): Contestant 4(Shadow): Miranda1234567. Contestant 5(Jessica): Purple513. Contestant 6(Rachel): Rug437. Contestant 7(Natasha): Ooc; We just need Natasha and Jasmine now.
#45724579Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:26 PM GMT

Oh of corse now i want to be Natasha she was the one i wanted all along
#45724914Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:32 PM GMT

Host: XxPlaygirlxX. Contestant 1(Jennifer): Sunburst1031. Contestant 2(Ruby): JennaRaeChambers. Contestant 3(Jasmine): Contestant 4(Shadow): Miranda1234567. Contestant 5(Jessica): Purple513. Contestant 6(Rachel): Contestant 7(Natasha): Rug437. Ooc; We just need Rachel and Jasmine now.
#45725418Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

Uh how does this look for Natasha tell me if i need to change anything or add anything and disregard the skin glitch
#45725460Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:42 PM GMT

Where do we meet?
#45725504Sunday, April 17, 2011 11:43 PM GMT

When do we start doing this?

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