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#45716823Sunday, April 17, 2011 9:01 PM GMT

Rate my trailer that I have made for my most recent game... Go to youtube, and search ddodd01, my Trailer Should be there And then post below your ratings...
#45770068Monday, April 18, 2011 10:50 PM GMT

Example: 9/10
#45791363Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5:36 AM GMT

I give it a 6/10
#45815585Tuesday, April 19, 2011 9:40 PM GMT

#45899657Thursday, April 21, 2011 3:03 PM GMT

#46000476Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:51 AM GMT

For Players Who want to Help at all with the Release schedule of this game (to make it faster) Join this group: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=259419 The more people join, the more bugs we fix and the faster we finish!
#46000845Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:57 AM GMT

2.5/10 (No offense, I'm a tough critic) My reasons: -The music was poor quality, almost as if it were recorded with a microphone -There were almost no cuts -It was mostly just sped-up gameplay -The font wasn't fitting for some parts -Some of the timing was a bit weird But, nice work. You're on your way to a good future. Keep with it, but next time, try, if you can, cutting out the tools and stuff, so no gui shows. Also, try choosing more fitting effects, transitions, and fonts. Try downloading some royalty free music as well. Good luck :D
#46001054Saturday, April 23, 2011 2:00 AM GMT

Thanks, I will remember that for when My game Officially releases, cause the current video one is so outdated
#46002580Saturday, April 23, 2011 2:25 AM GMT

Meh. It's fine, but it can definitally be improved. There is no need for the end; all of the games use the same graphical engine. As for the trailer itself, as the others said, it's fine, but it does not live up to the expectations of how a trailer must be. It does not excite or even somewhat interest the viewer to play the game. I know you'll do better, but for now, I give it a 2/10 as well. Also, I commend you for accepting the score instead of whining as most of the userbase here does.
#46013767Saturday, April 23, 2011 7:17 AM GMT

Since people posting reviews I'm gonna change my mind and say 1/10. as the above people said the viewer is not expecting anything new, it's just another game in roblox page as the trailer presents it, and you used some picture that doesn't even have anything to do with roblox nor improving the trailer any better. What I did to make a roblox trailer that was deleted like long ago and I don't even know where I stored the file either, so there I used a little 3D effect to make it a bit more interesting as I gone through a bunch of different islands, as if roblox was built from several different cores. And the music does not appear to be the best quality, and if you at least improved that quality using audacity to record it through wave out mix or whatever your speaker sound comes from, it could be interesting. And also the video is not matching to the music. what I mean is, there are no cuts, and the video is to slow for the music. and as for OpenGL it is a client side feature, it doesn't change anything server side. All commercials are kinda lying at some point but giving an entirely false info that SHOULD be 99.9% truth needs to be told as 99.9% truth.
#46017107Saturday, April 23, 2011 11:34 AM GMT

Actually When people go to Roblox Studio, and go to settings they have the ability to change the Rendering, and when you choose OpenGL it reduces server lagtime, but can cause some lag when player enters the Map. Roblox does not completely Support this yet, but it will in the future. Opengl Load the Map as you play the game. It speeds the loading time for the server by a lot, but has some Minor Lag problems ingame.
#46018996Saturday, April 23, 2011 12:54 PM GMT

Like I said OpenGL is a client side feature.
#46030390Saturday, April 23, 2011 4:42 PM GMT

OpenGL is a different graphical engine. ROBLOX looks best with DirectX.
#46035013Saturday, April 23, 2011 5:56 PM GMT

I thinking cutting out the tools and guis would help. Also, it'd help to have cuts, with maybe some flash or blur transitions. If it's truly a great game, you won't have to add anything about OpenGL

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