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#46019180Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:00 PM GMT

Plot: A team of five explorers are on a mission to find the planet "reddo-speratus" latin for "Deliver hope" in order to fine the gateway. The gateway is a rip in time and space allegedly saying that the gatway is the key to unlocking all of science is great mysteries and the answer to finding out the secrets of the universe. However another mystery is that many other explorers came to find the gateway and were never seen again... Cast: GOOD GUYS: Drake(lead role-ship pilot)- Marks(Second lead- Co pilot)- June(Ship specialist and engineer)- Ace(Weapon specialist)- Stark(vortex schincrinizer)- BAD GUYS: Demon 1( makes more demons)- Leader of the demons- Dark mage 1- Dark mage 2- Darkness- INTRODUCED LATER IN THE FILM: Voyager- Creator of everything- Mythic mage- TECHNICAL STUFF: camera guy- me! set builder 1(MUST BE GOOD AT BUILDING)- set builder 2-me! Publisher-Me Note- half of the charecters may die in this film. Genre- sci-fi, Biblical, action I will tell you all the details of the film and everything when i have enough people to start shooting the film.
#46019982Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:24 PM GMT

June or Ace please
#46020244Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:30 PM GMT

Plot: A team of five explorers are on a mission to find the planet "reddo-speratus" latin for "Deliver hope" in order to fine the gateway. The gateway is a rip in time and space allegedly saying that the gatway is the key to unlocking all of science is great mysteries and the answer to finding out the secrets of the universe. However another mystery is that many other explorers came to find the gateway and were never seen again... Cast: GOOD GUYS: Drake(lead role-ship pilot)- Marks(Second lead- Co pilot)- June(Ship specialist and engineer)-Sunburst1031 Ace(Weapon specialist)- Stark(vortex schincrinizer)- BAD GUYS: Demon 1( makes more demons)- Leader of the demons- Dark mage 1- Dark mage 2- Darkness- INTRODUCED LATER IN THE FILM: Voyager- Creator of everything- Mythic mage- TECHNICAL STUFF: camera guy- me! set builder 1(MUST BE GOOD AT BUILDING)- set builder 2-me! Publisher-Me Note- half of the charecters may die in this film. Genre- sci-fi, Biblical, action I will tell you all the details of the film and everything when i have enough people to start shooting the film.
#46020358Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:33 PM GMT

Also, I can do costume design, or picking out, if you want.
#46020831Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:46 PM GMT

Oh yeah the costumes, ok. ill see to it that you do costume ;)
#46020873Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:47 PM GMT

Plot: A team of five explorers are on a mission to find the planet "reddo-speratus" latin for "Deliver hope" in order to fine the gateway. The gateway is a rip in time and space allegedly saying that the gatway is the key to unlocking all of science is great mysteries and the answer to finding out the secrets of the universe. However another mystery is that many other explorers came to find the gateway and were never seen again... Cast: GOOD GUYS: Drake(lead role-ship pilot)- Marks(Second lead- Co pilot)- June(Ship specialist and engineer)-Sunburst1031 Ace(Weapon specialist)- Stark(vortex schincrinizer)- BAD GUYS: Demon 1( makes more demons)- Leader of the demons- Dark mage 1- Dark mage 2- Darkness- INTRODUCED LATER IN THE FILM: Voyager- Creator of everything- Mythic mage- TECHNICAL STUFF: camera guy- me! set builder 1(MUST BE GOOD AT BUILDING)- set builder 2-me! Publisher-Me Costume designer- Sunburst1031 Note- half of the charecters may die in this film. Genre- sci-fi, Biblical, action I will tell you all the details of the film and everything when i have enough people to start shooting the film.
#46037020Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:28 PM GMT

Bump need more actors!
#46038334Saturday, April 23, 2011 6:48 PM GMT

Any girl roles?..
#46044846Saturday, April 23, 2011 8:32 PM GMT

Ace, voyager and the creator of everything are mixed roles, so males or females can play them.
#46045091Saturday, April 23, 2011 8:35 PM GMT

Also stark as well
#46055625Saturday, April 23, 2011 11:13 PM GMT

I'll be whoever is the best out of them - I don't really like any of the roles, especially as I fail with wepons. x3
#46162325Monday, April 25, 2011 4:28 PM GMT

I need actors!
#46162730Monday, April 25, 2011 4:39 PM GMT

I could take Ace or Mark.
#46162957Monday, April 25, 2011 4:44 PM GMT

Plot: A team of five explorers are on a mission to find the planet "reddo-speratus" latin for "Deliver hope" in order to fine the gateway. The gateway is a rip in time and space allegedly saying that the gatway is the key to unlocking all of science is great mysteries and the answer to finding out the secrets of the universe. However another mystery is that many other explorers came to find the gateway and were never seen again... Cast: GOOD GUYS: Drake(lead role-ship pilot)- Marks(Second lead- Co pilot)- June(Ship specialist and engineer)-Sunburst1031 Ace(Weapon specialist)- DaSurvivor Stark(vortex schincrinizer)- BAD GUYS: Demon 1( makes more demons)- Leader of the demons- Dark mage 1- Dark mage 2- Darkness- INTRODUCED LATER IN THE FILM: Voyager- Creator of everything- Mythic mage- TECHNICAL STUFF: camera guy- me! set builder 1(MUST BE GOOD AT BUILDING)- set builder 2-me! Publisher-Me Costume designer- Sunburst1031 Note- half of the charecters may die in this film. Genre- sci-fi, Biblical, action I will tell you all the details of the film and everything when i have enough people to start shooting the film.

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