List of Characters of Super-Boys (Main Cast)
Drake Pine (born November 11, 1999) is an 11-year-old cool and funny boy. His suit color is red and gold. He has the power of super-sonic speed.
Johnny Pine (born November 11, 1999) is an 11-year-old smart and serious boy. His suit color is blue and grey. He has the power to control water.
Mylisa Moonlight (born December 25, 1999) is an 11-year-old popular and serious girl. She is Drake's 8th girlfriend. But on the series is the 1st.
Jessica Pine (born May 2, 1999) is an 12-year-old smart girl. She is the sister to Drake, Johnny, Tracy, and Molly but BFF to Mylisa.
Tracy Pine (born May 4, 1999) is an 12-year-old pretty girl. She is the sister to Drake, Johnny, Jessica, and Molly but BFF to Mylisa.
Molly Pine (born September 23, 2001) is an 9-year-old cute but annoying girl (only to Drake and Johnny). She acts good infront of parents and sisters.
James Smith (born January 17, 2000) is an 11-year-old cool kid. He known Drake and Johnny sense the 3rd grade.
Richard Legacy (born March 18, 1976) is an 35-year-old rich adult. He is known as the Reeper an super-villian to New York City. He is the main villian.
Jeff Parker (born April 30, 1988) is an 23-year-old villian. He is known as the Armidillo a super-villian to New York City. He is an minor villian.
Georgia Eagle (born Apirl 27, 1982) is an 29-year-old villian. He is known as Ninja Dog a super-villian to New York City. He is an minor villian.
Peter Brian (born July 7, 1992) is an 18-year-old villian. He is known as HotStrak a super-villian to New York City.
List of Characters of Super-Boys (Minor Cast)
Brad Martin is an 11-year-old rebel bully. He doesn't play. He loves to pick on weak kids and nerds. He has an posse made up of himself, Tray, and Jake.
Tray Bryan is an 11-year-old rebel bully. He talks alot of trash and is the youngest of the group. He is in a posse made up of himself, Brad, and Jake.
Jake Rock is an 11-year-old rebel bully. He has an mohawk to show that he is and real daredevil. He is in a posse made up of himself, Brad and Tray.
Tiffiny Rock is an 11-year-old girl and is Mylisa's BFF. She is the older brother to Jake Rock.
June Dimension is an 11-year-old girl and is Mylisa's BFF. She also is an pretty girl and loves to do make-overs.
Janet June is an 11-year-old girl and is Mylisa's BFF. She is an smartie girl and loves math.
Sara Pine is the mother and parent to Drake, Johnny, Jessica, Tracy, and Molly. She is the wife to Peter Pine. She is the daughter to Mary and Benjamin.
Peter Pine is the father and parent to Drake, Johnny, Jessica, Tracy, and Molly. She is the husband to Sara Parker. He is the son to Bessie and Larry.
Mary and Benjamin Dibbs is the parent to Sara Pine and is the grandparents to Drake, Johnny, Jessica, Tracy, and Molly.
Bessie and Larry Pine is the parent to Peter Pine and is the grandparents to Drake, Johnny, Jessica, Tracy, and Molly. |