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#46738226Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:11 PM GMT

Ever Seen The Rubbish Movies? (Not All Of Em Are Rubbish But Wanna Star In A Full Length Roblox Movie (around 2 hours) and want to become a star? Well Leave A Comment Below Saying What Part You Want LIST OF PARTS: ***NO PARTS YET*** Audition For Parts At UniversalRobloxia HQ http://www.roblox.com/Click For Auditions-item?id=50206803 AUDITIONS TAKE PLACE TOMORROW (TIME: 5:00 BST) Work Out The Other Times! WANT TO TAKE PART ALL I SAY IS COOL AND PM EITHER superadman1, superadman2, James4395 or thesuperadman!!! LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU!!!!! The UniversalRobloxia Team
#46784919Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:14 AM GMT

Here let me go piece by piece. "Full Length Roblox Movie (around 2 hours)" No one wants to watch a ROBLOX movie for 2 hours! It would be boring if it was 10 minutes long! "and want to become a star?" No one will become a star if they were in your video. No one will watch a two hour video, and no one gets famous for acting on ROBLOX. " Leave a comment saying What Part You Want" "NO PARTS YET" wut? "AUDITIONS TAKE PLACE TOMORROW" Auditions fail
#46785246Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:24 AM GMT

lol, Bobby your so negative towards people its funny.XD I see what you mean in some of the situations though.
#46785379Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:28 AM GMT

People honestly make the most boring or worst videos ever! I haven't been impressed with one video! Also, I've never seen someone actually finish their video. But I say the way it is. I don't think I've been wrong yet.
#46788761Sunday, May 08, 2011 6:42 AM GMT

But Would You Like To See REAL ANIMATION? (like Lips Moving With Voice Syncranicity and Animation?)
#53447950Tuesday, August 23, 2011 6:26 AM GMT

Ha That Shut The Noob Up!

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