It was 5:46 on Friday in Asia, March 11, 2011. People say it was the most powerful known earthquake to have hit Japan, and one of the five most powerful earthquakes in the world overall since modern record keeping began in 1900s. The earthquake generated tremendously destructive tsunami waves of up to 38 meters that came into contact with Japan. The tsunami affected numbers of nuclear accidents.
The earthquake is now known as Great East Japan Earthquake which was east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tohoku, Japan, lasting approximately six minutes. The nearest major city to the earthquake was Sendai, on the main island of Honshu, which was 81 Miles. The quake moved portions of north eastern Japan 2.4 Miles closer to North America. The causing of the earthquake is because Japan is moving around a lot and taking over lands, which causes the massive plates to alteration.
Just an hour after the earthquake at 9:55, a tsunami was observed flooding Sendai Airport, located at the coast of Miyagi Prefecture with waves sweeping away cars and aircrafts and engulfing various buildings as they journeyed inside. The Japanese government states the cost of this month's devastating earthquake and tsunami may conceivably reach 309 billion, making it the ecosphere's most exorbitant unusual tragedy.
The second reactor at Tokai Nuclear Power Plant was shut down automatically. On March 14, 2011 it was testified that a cooling system pump for this reactor had stopped working; however, the Japan Atomic Power Company stated that there was a following operational pump sustaining the cooling systems, but that two of three diesel generators used to power the conserving system were out of order.__________________________________________________________________
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