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#46803212Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:15 PM GMT

This is the roblox page for all RGNN info. There will be updates added to this forum Page We are on blogger look for RGNNHome We are also on Youtube look for RG News Network Applications for jobs should be sent to Adamgren or Smokey0. DO NOT POST ON WALL. RGNN FrameWork 1.1 How to get a programme made. 1. Pitch Contact the CEO or a Co-CEO to pitch your idea I.E. a tutorial video. Make sure you include what you need how you plan to do it and how many you want to do as well as any other stuff you need to add. E.g. To Co-CEO John Smith I have a plan for a 6-part Tutorial show in which I explain how to play games. I need a camera man and 3 actors as well as 6 places. On top of this I need 3 writers to help me write the script. I believe that if this is successful we will carry on to make another series of 6 episodes. Please consider this Idea. Yours Truely Joe Bloggs 2. Planning. If you idea is accepted you will be required to co-ordinate and give a time for production. we will assign you people who you have asked for. This is where you also assemble your sets and places. E.g. To Joe Bloggs your idea has been accepted and we have assigned you the requested items the follow people are you team Writers - - - Cameramen - - - Builders - You need to report to a CEO or Co-CEO every week on progress. we will also assign you a person to monitor production yours truly Co-CEO John Smith 3. Production. this is where you film and record your shows. A youtube filmer should have access to the youtube account and they will upload it. 4. Renewal (Optional) Renewal is just like the pitch you must convince us to renew the show. THIS FRAMEWORK WILL CHANGE SO CHECK BACK.
#46822343Sunday, May 08, 2011 10:16 PM GMT

first, and good fourm post!
#46823735Sunday, May 08, 2011 10:47 PM GMT

#46824758Sunday, May 08, 2011 11:04 PM GMT

^ l l l l l l l Flamer!
#46825893Sunday, May 08, 2011 11:26 PM GMT

#46842690Monday, May 09, 2011 8:02 AM GMT

Hi can someone PM the security code
#46853664Monday, May 09, 2011 7:48 PM GMT

@Knexer Actually WRN are terrible. You guys only have something like 20 users. We have over 100.

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