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#46859162Monday, May 09, 2011 9:45 PM GMT

Skateworld is a movie or rather a video ( whatever you want to call it ) about a group of teenager skateboarders who are trying to make it big. "Skateworld" will be filmed at different skateparks ( and I will NOT use your skatepark, I already have a general idea of the skateparks I want to use. Thank you very much. ) Positions Available: Chris: A fun guy who loves fooling around, but is a sick skater. Isaac: Isaac is a skater who has been under the radar for many years. This is his chance for the big leagues Seth: Seth isn't one to be studying. He may not have a high GPA, but he's the most experianced of the bunch. Logan: Academically, Logan is the exact opposite of Seth. He is on the honor roll and has one of the highest GPA of the entire school. Though he himself is a great skater, and he can get in quite a heapload of trouble time-to-time. Kendall: Kendall has a decent GPA and is a pretty sick skater. He is the man with the plan whether it is how to get pass Mall security guards all the way up to getting good deals on Skate gear. Im looking how to send my video to someone with a Youtube account. Anyone who'd be able to 1 Tell me how to send the clips of my video to someone with a youtube account and 2, some1 with a youtube account willing to upload it to their videos. Thanks :))
#46869015Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:44 AM GMT

Ill be Kendall.
#46869110Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:45 AM GMT


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