Hello again players! We're halfway through the end of the series.
This episode will be about me, m1lkman, and the team discover the 2nd Orb that unlocks Telamon's Orb of Destiny, The Attack Orb.
But someone broke into the temple ahead of us and succesfully reprogrammed the gaurd robot to attack us!
After defeating it we head to the airport and encounter more of the mercenaries, but we used the attack orb against them leaving them DEFEATED.
Then the Robloxia Presidency contacts us about our quest and request's our visitation. The team heads there and Builderman says that the orb must never fall into the hand of The Noob King and that we need help to get the last orb before the noobs do.
Builderman helps us form the team... called R.E.T, Roblox Explorer Team.
To see the other previous check out the youtube profile "MrRobloxFilms".
In order to be an actor for our series you must join the "MrRobloxFilm Studio" so that I can make a group shout when we'll film (most likely on a weekend).
Fedora dude (MUST BE WEARING THE Perfectly Legitimate Business Hat!) -
Bounty Hunter -
Sniper -
Heavy Weapons Guy -
Scoundral -
Builderman -
Secretary -
Secretary 2 -
Secretary 3 -
Secretary 4 -
Explorer 1 -
Explorer 2 -
Explorer 3 -
Explorer 4 -
Explorer 5 -
Explorer 6 -
Pilot -
Pilot 2 - |