Item Name: Targe
Description: A small shield. Grants a small health increase and some protection against frontal attacks when equipped. It is equipped when you touch it, like armor, but it only appears with a sword is equipped as well.
How it would look like: A 3x3x0.1 brown circle with a gold sphere in the center
Purpose: Defense
Type: Item
Recipe: Bush Stump, Bento Leather, Bento Leather, Refined Gold
*Tries to contain rage* |
Perhaps an auto-save that lasts for 20 mins? It should only save skill though, It will avoid all the hassle with disconneciton. |
I think you should make a food pack that you click pn and can eat out of. You can store berries and meat in and apples.
Food Pack= leather+ String.
Please add in. |
trialtestJoin Date: 2011-07-01 Post Count: 117 |
Item Name: Bento Cowl
Desc: Most basic head armor there. grants a 50 hp increase.
How it looks like: makes your head brown.
Recipe: Bento Leather, String, Create Item
Please note that all armor slows you down and that all helmets can stack slowing down too.
Item Name: Rockma Cowl
Desc: Providing Rockma Hide Armor can be bent and sewn. grants 75 hp increase.
How it looks like: Makes your head gray.
Recipe: Bento Leather, Rockma Hide, String, Create item
Item Name: Iron Helm
Desc: Heavy. Grants 100 hp increase.
How it looks like: Makes your head gray with a metallic sheen.
Recipe: Anvil, Bento Leather, Iron
Item Name: Steel Helm
Desc: Better than iron. Grants a 150 hp increase.
How it looks like: Makes your head steel-colored with that metallic sheen.
Recipe: Anvil, Bento Leather, Steel
Item Name: Mithril Helm
Desc: The best helm, unless reinforced helmets come out. Grants 200 hp increase.
How it looks like: Makes your head look like it's a Mithril replacement.
Recipe: Anvil, Bento Leather, Mithril, Gold |
blargetyJoin Date: 2011-02-03 Post Count: 266 |
Ung, y u steal my traps idea? Tripwires, tree trap (netting), and snares. Or at least, the main idea of it. |
you should like, have a sheet for all characters giving them basic tool crafting instructions, so that the people who cant talk and/or just cant figure out how to make anything could have something to start with, so they dont just keep dying right off the bat, making it impossible for them to start liking it |
Well ik the answer is no, but saving SOMETHING would be nice... :P |
Oh also, sandwhiches would be good O.e I always overflow my bag with bread slices XD |
i think you should really consider making a gui that shows all the possible mixtures to make stuff and explain how because new people don't really get it and i really want to play but i can't because i barally know how to build stuff. |
i know, but i would like a challenge, like i said, the basic mixtures, up to stuff like WOOD huts |
SdrazgaJoin Date: 2012-05-26 Post Count: 1 |
a way to save would be nice. alongwith a way to load. or even a atomatic save with load. |
Benefits: keep your stuff, dont get stuck with noobs spawnkilling u, unarmed
If you really want your ideas in a Survival 303 like game I suggest getting a starter kit for your own S303. It is a good thing that helps you! |
WHO AGREES? NO SAVES, unless its just skill, that would be nice :D |
newsteeJoin Date: 2010-04-08 Post Count: 13 |
1.make a skills save plz 2.Item Name:wood/stone/sandstone fort
Desc:a wood/stone/sandstone fort that wuold take like 4 or 5 carpantry/masonry/arcatecur i think
How it would look like:a building with 8 walls so its realyy large it can hold atleast a forge and a hut/mill/granary (with a wooden/stone/sandstone door in it for a gate?) (may open for tribe)
Purpose:8 walls and a large door for a gate makes a good place for someone to start out with if they join a tribe with this kind of a walls thing that you CAN make atleast some buildings inmore than one building too and make so walls are taller soppls cant jump over them and add a door thing for u know wat
Type: building may be built in
Recipe:8wooden/stone/sandstonewalls (1irst for wood then for stone and so on is burnable for wood paty
this has been long 0_0 i want it to get in (tell me how the recapie is plz) as for other stuff idk if just skills saveing up to like 5 or 6 or 4 (it still takes long time to get enof for fort without a realy fast boat) oh and PLZ ADD NIGHT TIME AND STORMS THAT MOVE and more dan one kind so this is realy long so i LOVEZZ s303 s404 s505 and so on (mainly s303) |
trialtestJoin Date: 2011-07-01 Post Count: 117 |
I doubt saves will ever be added, though sandwitches is a great idea! Since we already have slices of bead, why not use them?
Plus, you could add a secret desert oasis on the super top toppidy top of the sandstone spire, with like 2 small trees and a 25-potrioned pond. Since deserts can have oasises right? |
No save at all make it better so no high lvls can save with best armor and kill whoever. But food packs would be nice.
Item Name: Small chest
Desc: It's a small chest. can contain 20 items from your backpack.
How it would look like: Brown square (2x2x4) with a brown cylinder C-framed inside so only half will show on top. Then it would have a brown cylinder (2x2x0.2) in the middle on front of the chest. When in use it will show the backpack and empty spaces for items to put in the chest. Drag items to the empty spaces to put it in the chest.
Purpose: Easier to navigate between items
Type: Building
Recipe: 4 Planks crafted into tool. (level 2 carpentry)
Item Name: Small treasure chest
Desc: Same purpose as Small chest but this one comes with more security. When this is made you get both the Small treasure chest and a Key. The key can only open the Small treasure chest that it was made with.
How it would look like: Exactly like Small chest, except the brown cylinder (2x2x0.2) would be gold instead.
Purpose: Easier to navigate between items. Better security.
Type: Building
Recipe: Anvil + 4 planks + 2 Refined gold (level 2 carpentry, level 2 smithing)
Item Name: Small treasure chest key
Desc: The key that comes with the Small treasure chest as it gets made.
How it would look like: 2x1x0.2 golden tool.
Purpose: Opens the Small treasure chest
Type: Tool
Item Name: Normal chest
Desc: Looks just like Small chest except it holds up to 30 items from your backpack.
How it would look like: Just like Small Chest except Half the size bigger.
Purpose: Easier to navigate between items.
Type: Building.
Recipe: 6 planks (level 4 carpentry)
Item Name: Normal Treasure Chest
Desc: Same as Normal chest but with more security
How it would look like: Same as normal chest but the brown cylinder (2x2x0.2) is gold. Comes with gold key
Purpose: Easier to navigate between items
Type: Building
Recipe: Anvil + 6 planks + 2 refined gold (level 4 carpentry, level 3 smithing)
Item Name: Normal treasure chest key
Desc: The key that comes with the Normal treasure chest as it gets made.
How it would look like: 2x1x0.2 golden tool.
Purpose: Opens the Normal treasure chest
Type: Tool
Item Name: Large chest
Desc: Looks just like Small chest except it holds up to 40 items from your backpack.
How it would look like: Just like Small Chest except double the size.
Purpose: Easier to navigate between items.
Type: Building.
Recipe: 8 planks (level 5 carpentry)
Item Name: Large Treasure Chest
Desc: Same as Large chest but with more security
How it would look like: Same as Large chest but the brown cylinder (2x2x0.2) is gold. Comes with gold key.
Purpose: Easier to navigate between items
Type: Building
Recipe: Anvil + 8 planks + 2 refined gold (level 5 carpentry, level 3 smithing)
Item Name: Large treasure chest key
Desc: The key that comes with the Large treasure chest as it gets made.
How it would look like: 2x1x0.2 golden tool.
Purpose: Opens the Large treasure chest.
Type: Tool
Note: The key can only open the same chest that it got included with. it wont work on other chests. Got the idea from minecraft. If someone burns the chest then all wooden items inside will be burned. All meat will be burned and all metal will be refined. stone will have no effect. then after the chest has completely burned down all the items will either spawn back to the maker of the chest (it will go back to his backpack) or will disappear completely (deleted)
The next is for raiders.
Item Name: Lockpick
Desc: It can pick locks on Treasure chests.
How it would look like: 3x1x0.4 Iron tool
Purpose: Raiders can steal from other people
Type: Tool
Recipe: Anvil + 3 Refined Iron (needs at least 3 in engineering and 4 in smithing)
Thanks for reading. |
benhogiJoin Date: 2011-11-11 Post Count: 8 |
please add a list ofhow to craft things
Add saving! Add pizza! Add all the stuff everyone spams about! For a week. Then, one of two things will happen.
1: You realise that it actually benefits the game and choose to keep it.
2: They realise when they get mith'd that maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all. |
Item Name: Wolf
Desc:Found mostly on mainland and in a place with tons of trees how to tame it is with meat and when killed it gives u raw wolf meat when cooked it gives u 12 hunger and drops fur also when killed
How it would look like:Block for a head and nose a rectangle for the body a small skinny rectangle for the tail and 4 skinny rectangles for legs
Purpose:to fight for u if a player was to attack you or attacks wat ever u attack
Recipe:Wolf Fur Coat/Jacket
Drop the fur on the ground click it with a canteen or bucket to clean it then to craft the coat 3 wolf fur into tool then it will auto put on you and the wolf fur coat/jacket when it storms it dosnt drain your health |
why not just make a flax flower make flax seed aswell and make flaxseed oil to polish various woods? |
rmann1Join Date: 2011-04-04 Post Count: 60 |
Item: Cannon
Desc: It is like the catapult but you take a bit of damage but go farther. Can be made from wood or stone. You can also change angle you launch.
What it looks like: A big wood/stone rectangle with hatch on top for people to enter. Has a wooden/stone seat on side. The inside of cannon is big enough to launch person obviously.
Recipe: 4 wooden planks/stone slabs+Wall/stone wall+Gunpowder+Fuse+wooden/stone seat |
rmann1Join Date: 2011-04-04 Post Count: 60 |
Item: Large Fuse
Desc: Used in delayed bomb(If ends up made)
What it looks like: Like Fuse but longer
Purpose: To make a delay between ignition and explosion of bomb
Type: Explosive
Recipe: 2 Fuses |
rmann1Join Date: 2011-04-04 Post Count: 60 |
Item: Delayed bomb
Desc: Like a bomb but sticks to any surface and has a delay in explosion
What it looks like: Just like a bomb
Purpose: To give time to get away before explosion and stick to anything so it can't be moved
Type: Explosive
Recipe: Same as bomb but with a large fuse |