jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Update overview of today.
Main updates are bugfixes, however, open Stats and see the AWESOME new fishing stat page.
Fix: Backpack doesnt break if model Backpackuse has not been made inside character at selection time. (Thanks to zzipstrike)
Fix: Craft upgrade works
Fix: Shops work
Fix: Bucket buttons work
Fix: Reset button gives right tools
Fix: xpl01t protection works. StrOS blocked my opcodes.
Addition: Fishing stat menu
About the fishing stat menu:
First note, it starts working when you have caught or missed your first fish (it doesnt matter actually, have a fish on the line and the script is woken up (mainly to prevent lag), but also security issues).
Every time you miss/catch a fish it saves that (on server not online). If you open and close your menu screen (it only updates every time you toggle it to prevent lag and make the stuff slide nicely) you can see WHAT fish you have caught. The main benefit of this is that you can also see what fish you HAVENT caught yet. Fish you gotta catch are marked as "???".
If you have catched the fish, it shows the rarity value of it (in fish rarity, scale 1-15), how much you catched, how much you missed and as BONUS the percentage of the total you have caught this fish.
1 shrimp
3 horse mackerel
Name rarity catches misses % of total
--a lot of ??? here--
Shrimp 1 1 0 25%
Horse Mackerel 1 3 0 75%
--More ???--
It also shows general stats of you. For example, the fishing score which you can compare to the "kill/death" ratio in FPS games. Its the catches/misses.
You also see how much DIFFERENT fish you have caught, how much you have MISSED in total and how much you CATCHED in total and last but not least the fish you have catched the most.
Report more bugs here! |
FredtronJoin Date: 2009-05-28 Post Count: 174 |
Working on the scripts in my museum. Not building anything new accept by request in the near future. |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Good. I will release my building place soon too. |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
V0 - Current version
--> Box placement, permission stuff works. You can create your own building box. Its your own place and YOU decide who comes there and who can build etc. You can visit other places too ^_^ (mini roblox ftw!)
--> Creator tool done
--> Resize tool done
--> Data Persistance done
--> CFrame tool, CFrame.Angles tool, Privileges GUI, Creator+ (for forage, edibles, etc)
Current progress:
85% |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Worked on personal server.
I fixed a cloud bug on Stranded. Sometimes clouds spawn on the wrong place causing buildings to explode xD.
Also, if you want to know how to get BC, look here: |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Stranded update ~ StrOS v5.096
This involves the epic entrance of StrOS. I had to tweak it a little bit, but its now allowed for everyone. If you want an access code to the Status Screen, PM me. (Note: Not everyone will get it, mostly only super devs).
What it does is calling my encryption script on your name. Every name, no matter what, returns something else. The code is 8 characters long, but it can have over
different strings. Good luck cracking it haha.
I am still working on a playing update - a huge one. Im trying to get the whole bronze age in one update. Isnt that exciting? |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Stranded News: Updating policy in vacation.
Dear players of Stranded,
Most of you know that I will be gone tomorrow for 3 weeks, Im on vacation. That also means I cannot update stranded in this time.
However. The past 2 weeks I have been working on an extremely big update - Stranded almost doubled its size. It includes... at first sight... nothing. It looks the same. There only is one thing added: a timer. And a new island. This timer is extremely important, as it tells one thing only:
The update.
Every day, at the same time (I think I will make it around 10 o clock in GMT-6) a script will patch Stranded and include the new updates. The best part of this is that you do not have to refresh a server, and you also do not have to reset, as craft immediately picks up changes.
24 updates.
Most of them are new building parts - some of theme are new house parts, others are furniture.
Bronze will be released too, with including tools.
Some new ships will be released with the wind calculator.
New weapons and materials...
I wont tell when. I wont tell what. I only say that every day Stranded will update itself... And most updates are pretty huge ^_^
So, get on Stranded every day and try to find how to do the new update ^_^
Isnt that exciting? I think no game on Roblox has ever done the same. Auto updating. Kabam. |
Tekkit123Join Date: 2012-04-29 Post Count: 5357 |
[ Content Deleted ] |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Lol the patch script isnt very complicated... but making 24 updates is an extremely lot of work.
I actually dont have them done yet, and I have a lot of time... Stress.
I actually like this updating method. Like this, I can like make 3 updates, upload them, they release every day and I keep adding updates... I dont have to shut down servers ^_^ |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Update Release Dates:
24 updates, from
15/7/2012 (Tomorrow)
8/8/2012 (8 August 2012)
Every day at the same time. Google what time zone you are in to check out your local time: (24-hours time, After 12:00 its PM, Before 12:00 its AM)
GMT+2 - 16:00
GMT+1 - 15:00
GMT+0 - 14:00
GMT-1 - 13:00
GMT-2 - 12:00
GMT-3 - 11:00
GMT-4 - 10:00
GMT-5 - 09:00
GMT-6 - 08:00
GMT-7 - 07:00
GMT-8 - 06:00
GMT-9 - 05:00
GMT-10 - 04:00
GMT-11 - 03:00
GMT 12 - 02:00
GMT+11 - 01:00
GMT+10 - 00:00
GMT+9 - 23:00
GMT+8 - 22:00
GMT+7 - 21:00
GMT+6 - 20:00
GMT+5 - 19:00
GMT+4 - 18:00
GMT+3 - 17:00
GMT+2 - 16:00
.... Etc.
And you can also see the timer to calculate the time of course ^_^
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Stranded Stats - For later when I get back from vacation! :D (To match, I normally write everything down every day, however... I cannot do so for 3 weeks...)
News topic:
660 replies
65 replies
21 replies
4 subscribers
Developer group 28 normal members
Community 48 normal
PP 4
2.035 plays, 149 favs
Building server;
82 plays 3 favs
940 plays
121 favs |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Just came to the conclusion Stranded has better anti-expl01t scripts than found in the free models!!
How epic is that? It doesnt work always, it doesnt work fully...
BUT NO ONE can disable it.
Or you have to get StrOS main user code... And I dont think someone is able to decrypt a time-based 4096-bit code, right?
Yum. I like stros. |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Happy vacation! |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Hey guys...
This is the last time I post here, because I have some important news.
Its 3:00 AM here. I have to wake up on 4:00 AM. Why am I awake?
Simple reason. I had a dream. A dream about Strandeds patcher not working. I woke up from this "nightmare" and tought about the patch script.
Something was off. And it indeed was, It didnt work!!
I have fixed it. It works now. I hope all tools work too, but of the massive load of work some things may not function. Please post a bug report, I try to fix them all after I get back from vacation!!
In the meanwhile, what can you do as developer?
--> Helping on the wiki (official stranded wiki (on wikia))
--> Building (resources, house parts, houses, etc)
--> Scripting (Buildings, GUIs, ANIMALS... AI's)
--> Bug seeking: Seek bugs, report when yo find them, same with glitches.
--> Send in a lot of ideas.
Dont bother to send anything in, I will read EVERYTHING after I get back!
And every day Stranded is updated to. In-game, so the game page wont show that its updated, but I suggest you to check it out every day! Guaranteed updates, how epic is that? |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
The above times I gave are off, its probably a hour later.
Some updates are huge. I shall tell you some of the updates, to get a feeling of what will in the game.
At the moment, a Stone Hammer is already in the game, which is basically a better Hammerstone. You gotta use it to make Bronze tools tough.
--> A new island: clay island. And earth is also on that island. It has nutrious ground so there grow a lot of fruit, however its far away.
What WILL be updated some day in the coming 3 weeks:
--> Bronze Armor
--> Bronze Tools
--> Prehistoric Wood Furniture
--> Straw Bales (&Houses)
--> Sword
--> Sailship, small and medium.
--> Fort parts (Stone)
So check out Stranded every day.
This is my final post. Bye bye! We had a really epic year together and we have a really warm and community. I hope we can get even better after I get back.
Dont forget to favorite, tell your friends, etc...! And send meh feedback! |
Oww my eyes hurt, i just read through all 27 pages XD. Oh on a side note, somewhere above me, it isnt that hard to make timed releses, you just need to know how to script ^.^ (Thats a friendly face, typed faces are so hard to make look friendly) And if you leave the place up, its bound not to fail by now cause people like it. |
Jarret50Join Date: 2011-04-12 Post Count: 8 |
cool |
This game deserves more credit. Right now. The game updates ITSELF, people! You don't see many games doing that! Everyone go visit! The game is REALLY good!
~Join the Ministry of Magic today! We have tons of rank-up opportunities and we get over 100 members a day! |
@Above, First many games dont do that because the creators can just update as they go, its easyer to do that. Jobro went on vacation so he cant update it normally so he was very creative in using tick to do so. It isnt that hard though XD. Also a question first you say how awesome it is then you post a link to a group? Spam much? |
Well all that i said above and the game dosnt update, it adds to the game if the date and or time has elapsed. If you went into edit mode you would still have to add all that stuff in to actually have it update to roblox. (basically the stuff inside is being changed after X time so long as somebody is playing it, its not actually updating the game. |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Im back. I tested the auto updater and it worked, however, for some extremely strange reason i have the idea it doesnt work.
However, i do have 24 updates on my pc. And im going to release them all at the same time.
I really dont understand why it doesnt work... |
jobro13Join Date: 2009-08-05 Post Count: 2865 |
Great, I fixed the script. I DISABLED IT!! RAGI thats why it didnt work....
Well, I can tell all updates here then.
I do like this way of updating tough. You know what I will do? I will try to keep an "update buffer' of 2 - 3 updates. Every day there will be a new update, processed by the patch script. Like this, you almost NEVER have to search a new server because the updates are always there. That means that the updates that I make will be released three days later. Hmm. Epic :D
Good; update list. Some are initial.
Clay Island, with Earth and Clay. You can also make Mud. Figure it out :)
Stone Hammer is a Hammerstone, but it processes things faster, so use it :D
--> Wooden Dock Parts
--> Wheat Roofs
--> Bronze and Tin/Copper Crafting
--> Bronze Dagger, Axe and Adze!
--> Prehistoric House Foundations
--> Prehistoric Spear
--> Small Clay Cave
--> Prehistoric Clay Wall
--> Sail
--> Small Sailboat
--> Bronze Sword
--> Clay House Parts
--> Wooden Furniture
--> Wheat Houses (Wheat Bale Houses)
--> Long Clay Cave
--> Wooden Tower
--> (New/Revamped) Prehistoric Fences
--> Mud Houses
--> Wheat Furniture
--> Bronze Armor
--> Stone Fort Edge
--> Stone Fort Corner
--> Stone Fort Tower
--> Stone Fort Gate
--> INSIDE (Mainly StrOS)
--> Dawn Encoded Function Processing Technique (DEFPT)
To run encoded scripts/functions that are user only, have expiration dates and are protected with 16 bit checksums.
--> StrOS Patching Technique (SPT)
If you have the right code, you can use StrOS to auto patch. For example, if there is a fail in a house somewhere, I can post a Dawn File on the forums. If you chat that in the server, StrOS will pause the game and Patch the game.
--> Ghost Script Hiding Version 2
Moar hiding using script encrypting using Dawn and BeachCrypt. Beat that!
--> OUTSIDE (Visibile to Players)
Tribe Menu. Finally xD
And we need to revamp some recipes. |
XD i always hate it when my scripts have such a simple problem, sometimes i spend 20 minutes trying to figure out the problem when i forgot to undisable it >:3. |