#74926465Wednesday, August 08, 2012 7:35 AM GMT

Version Update! Fix: Building Placement
#75036760Thursday, August 09, 2012 8:24 AM GMT

Next update announcement; Support of User based Time Limited Protected Dawn files. In theory you can ruin servers now, but its impossible. Beat the 16 bit checksum and you win. But that is - in portal terms - impossible. Thats on the background. On the Foreground we will have something better: The long awaited Tribe Menu! :D Some fixes in last versions: --> Clay Island was not anchored --> Some buildings were not locked --> Some builings were missing --> Some recipes were messed up --> Building Placement
#75091693Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:53 PM GMT

#75144016Friday, August 10, 2012 7:58 AM GMT

I LOVE your game but needs little more refining also KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
#75146537Friday, August 10, 2012 9:00 AM GMT

Ohyus I will keep refining it. And add more stuff. And fix stuff etc.
#75209468Saturday, August 11, 2012 12:05 AM GMT

On the island with the dates and white grapes the land was spliting you need to anchor that
#75245609Saturday, August 11, 2012 7:22 AM GMT

The island is anchored. But now I know what causes it: The gather script does that :) If you gather the ground it unanchors everything above it (normally thats a tree model or bush model, now its the complete island :/)
#75359205Sunday, August 12, 2012 12:44 PM GMT

--> Update Addition/Fix: Tribe Menu You can still expect bugs, as I cannot test everything on my pc. The reason for this is that every player has the name "Player" - this causes confusion in the tribe script. Fix: Clay Island Unanchoring due a bug in the Gathering script Fix: Every building has been added to repair, so you can also repair fort parts now. Next updates will include: --> Dawn Interpreter --> StrOS fixes --> Building Health & Damage (?) --> First Animal (??????????)
#75364481Sunday, August 12, 2012 2:29 PM GMT

Known bugs: --> You cannot join a tribe when you are invited (Team doesnt change) --> The leave button doesnt work --> The "Accept' button can be used to spam accepting commands, to break someone's player list. They will be fixed. Please report more bugs.
#75368173Sunday, August 12, 2012 3:30 PM GMT

Silenced debug mode, started Tribe Menu debugging proces. We also have new cool messages to inform players about new news - randomly chatted every 2-6 minutes.
#75478911Monday, August 13, 2012 6:12 PM GMT

Update! Addition: Made the Tribe Menu draggable. A lot of users with smaller screen will find some buttons behind Roblox buttons. You can now drag the GUI by clicking the big middle button of the Tribe Menu. The Toggle Tribe Menu button resets the position if anything goes wrong. You can stop dragging by clicking again.
#75551799Tuesday, August 14, 2012 11:11 AM GMT

Update! --> Building glitch fixed on seat. --> Dawn codes added for public. Usage; __dwn timestamp:(timestamp)(blank)(encoded script in dawn or lua)(blank)checksum:(checksum) Codes will be run when anything is wrong in the game and can be fixed by a script. Kicking or banning will not happen using this script.
#75574642Tuesday, August 14, 2012 5:49 PM GMT

Update: New mining animation. Removed speaking/hearing skill.
#75665419Wednesday, August 15, 2012 5:23 PM GMT

Update; New Island. Many of you have told me that the other islands are too small to build on (I agree). Thus I have made another huge island. Its a little bit bigger than I had in thoughts, but its very cool. Its bigger than mainland. I have put 3 secrets in there which one also involves a pickaxe :) I also fixed the Rank/Job glitches in new servers.
#75830027Friday, August 17, 2012 10:23 AM GMT

Dawn interprreter updated, new island anchored and locked. Working on; Chat specials as ? detector, ! detector, name detector G/ also does global chat Warning if you cannot global chat otherewise you die Whisper chat (NO NOT TO PLAYERS but 10 studs range) Clothing Menu Better UI for Loom __dwn /p --> Patch mode, 64 bit checksum. Eat/Drink portion mode that allows you to eat 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 of an item, so it doesnt dissapear and you can share your stuff. New stuff. Especially clothing. Generation AI - Used for colors to crossbread them, they hold Genes. Animals AI/Pathfinder etc.
#75842619Friday, August 17, 2012 3:16 PM GMT

Sounds leet.
#75856929Friday, August 17, 2012 6:25 PM GMT

#75906392Saturday, August 18, 2012 3:31 AM GMT

Job you now the clouds arn`t realistic. They move to fast and need to be more joined up
#75918292Saturday, August 18, 2012 6:21 AM GMT

Clouds is a concept and need work, even as the wind on sailboats. Everything will get better.
#75920580Saturday, August 18, 2012 7:14 AM GMT

Update! Addition: Chat Features: #1: Saying a player name will turn that players chat blue. Example, Your name is "darkburst369". I say: "Hey dark!" Then his chat will turn light blue. Because of this case, your OWN chat is light blue too. #2: Saying the player name prefixed with "@" will turn that players chat PURPLE. Example: @jobro @dark Hey guys. Will turn everyone's chat that starts with the name "jobro..." and "dark..." purple. Minimum of 3 letters. #3: Whisper chat reintroduced for some practical reasons. Yes, you can see the bubbles. But maybe you can hide behind a wall or something. I will fix the bubble isue later (for that I have to rewrite the chat bubble script :/. Usage: w/ Chat #4: Question detection: If anyone uses a ? in the message, the chat of everyone will turn clay-color. Example: LOLWUT? #5: Exclamation mark detection: If a ! is detected, chat will turnn pink/red. Example: Hi! #6: !? !? Will turn the text sorta like pink, sorta like clay. Fix: Global/Whisper chat is also triggered by G/ and W/ More features will be added. Post requests on the idea topic, and bugs here. Please post bug as the chatted message and the problem.
#75928616Saturday, August 18, 2012 11:54 AM GMT

Update: Addition: Loom has a new tool called Rope Selector. Seat on it, get your ropes nearby, click on them and they will place in the loom. When you jump of the seat the tool destroys again. Fix: Awl breaking after 1 use Fix: Awl only taking one hit for the linen creating, which must be 4.
#76021631Sunday, August 19, 2012 8:50 AM GMT

Update: Addition/Fix: Prehistoric Bow Fixed and readded. Arrows are still in the game, do you even know how to make those? :) Fix: Remover script fixed. Your buildings now get removed. Fix: StrOS updated with 2 new plugins: arrow handler and Remover.
#76108276Monday, August 20, 2012 5:06 AM GMT

Did i ever mention that i think i broke 404? XD, i sent him a pm saying a possible way of fixing the retool, or the set (its been a year) and a few days later the (i think it was building placement) was fixed, but he forgot to also allow the retool to read the new fix. If it was me, idk, but strange timing right? Also i think the clouds look perfecto, maby just add wind speed, this could also push clouds faster or slower, but the clouds look fine as is.
#76112653Monday, August 20, 2012 7:06 AM GMT

It broke and i can prove it. Buildings are not couples to a player. In other words the buildings retool script does not know what buildings is whos. Thus you cannot retool. And cuz of that everything are anonymous buildings. Thats why they arent removed. Also, thats why chests dont work. Need more proof?
#76113546Monday, August 20, 2012 7:38 AM GMT

He commented the line which connects the buildings - thats why everything broke. One comment. I dont know if it was on purpose or not.