So, one day, about the Summer of '09, I was derping around on here, and noticed that a game called "Louisville Slugger Field" had hit the third or fourth page. I immediately joined the game, due to the fact that I was curious, and was sadly greeted with the message that I had to be a friend of the almighty 'Skyscraper' to join the game. I FR'ed him, and crashed a game at LSF. I had accidentally come to a Miami Fire Baseball practice. There, I "tried out" and the owner (back then it was Scars) said I could play bench. He told me to look on the SF for our next game. I was all like "Wtf is the SF" and he was all like "its the Sports Forum, its awesome" And BAM, ive been loyal ever since.
TL;DR:I went to Skyscrapers place, got accepted to Scar's team, he told me to go to the SF. |