#75059819Thursday, August 09, 2012 4:30 PM GMT

I meant increase :P anyways a couple more suggestions other people have already suggested but I'm saying these suggestions need to be added Add snipers the sniper would have a scope and do massive damage 2 shots or 1 could kill a person but finding ammo would be hard and the mags you do find would contain like 5 bullets Add private chat I need to talk to friends to find where they are but if I do that it increases the threat of bandits if they know exactly where I'm at
#75061136Thursday, August 09, 2012 4:44 PM GMT

i think maybe a bigger map some hills a sniper would be cool more trees in some places less loot spawn maybe a car extremely rare if the bigger map comes out and u would need to find like 5 peaces and u could invite a friend to some kind of party and u couldent kill him
#75063229Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:06 PM GMT

Adding some more terrain and towns while keeping the Latency down would be nice. Aswell as spawning with no food or drinks. And adding a new gun called "G3" A semi automatic military assault rifle with high rate of damage. With the fire rate of a pistol. Hope you consider. ~The Lone Wolf~
#75063358Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:08 PM GMT

@Cubewarrior, That almost covers all of what i was going to say. :P But i think he should make it so that it was more of a find and craft sort of deal. Example: You FIND a scope in a Military bunker, You get a rifle, Mod the scope to the rifle almost like Fallout New Vegas. :D A change in map would be nice. More weapons would be cool as well, i was thinking more rifles, machine guns, and handguns. Adding onto adding more guns i think that you should be able to find stuff like flashlights and lasers for your guns or a flashlight as one of the tools. If Gusmanak was to add cars i think he should have a much bigger map or you could get from on side of the map to the other within a min.... :/ Also it would probably be harder for zombies to get you... That's pretty much all i have to say. :3
#75069338Thursday, August 09, 2012 6:10 PM GMT

and could u add another backapck to this game if u add bow ansd crossbow it would be quiver (tiered) it would hold bolts and arrow like tier 1 holds 4 and tier 2 would hold 8 and so on,,, and maybe this would be hard to ask but could add more perks to the game and maybe have a new zombie like ,,juggernaut'' it would have double the health but it would be slower then civilian zombie and stronger them military zombie. i will reply to my post once i get more ideas and thank you for your time making this gusmanak
#75070514Thursday, August 09, 2012 6:21 PM GMT

alright mate... the map is ood just needs to be 2 times the size with Humvees, regular cars, hills, caves, mountains, and Sniper rifles (M40A1 to be exact). u could also add crates that in sizes small, med., and large. Small: gives u 1 food item of ur choice Med.: gives u 2 food item and a Secondary. Large: gives u 3 drink and 3 canned meat, also a Primary and secondary of any choice except the ones found in the Military airfields. Make more bigger towns with names like Elgin, Carson, or Raleigh. ...add a variety of Primary weapons: Scar-H, Ump45, and a RpG-7(make very rare and only found in Military airfields) ammo tho is in groups of 4. Better building blocks or building supplies. there that is it.
#75075213Thursday, August 09, 2012 7:12 PM GMT

you should add nightvision goggles... i would say they can be found at military bases or military crates or in any where you would want it.
#75080440Thursday, August 09, 2012 8:08 PM GMT

1- Openable doors and windows. So if someone wants to come into your hiding position, you can open your window and open fire on them. 2- Add kitchens with cupboards and such. It's boring seeing an empty house. Also, add couches and such. This shouldn't create so much lag. 3- Add Generators that require fuel to power themselves. You can connect this to a kitchen or to a light source inside of a house. The Stove in the kitchen could cook raw meat. 4- Add a CRAFT Tool. Seriously, you could have a can opener and open a can of pasta and..I dunno, add it to some tomato sauce to make spaghetti. 5- Add more diversity in food. Like bananas. Stuff that can spoil if not refrigerated (Generator! :D) And if it spoils, it damages you a little. 6- More diversity in weapons. Make melee more of a priority to people other than weapons, and make weapons rarer. I'm sick of coming straight out of spawn and into Hark, then get blown down by someone carrying a shotgun. 7- Make PvP more interesting. Whoever shoots first is a very bad concept. 8- Add a running tool! Seriously, I'm tired of walking so far to the NE Airbase then finding bandits who want my items, then die and reappear a days travel away. 9- Make this a tad bit harder. This is really easy, even with zombies swarming you. There needs to be tiers of zombies, such as: Regular Zombie: Zombies that are now in game. Very Weak. Purplish Zombie: A zombie hardened by days or years of surviving off of humans. Takes two headshots. Reddish Zombie: A zombie that has torn apart his fellow brethren for food. Buffed, but is just a bit red. Three headshots. Police Zombie: A police officer who was taken victim to the hordes that he faced. Body and head is protected by something. Survivor Zombie: Newly infected. Carries some sort of bag and some food. Maybe a weapon? Two headshots. Army Zombie: The army sent in these forces to stop this. It didn't work. Five headshots, wears head protection and a vest. Probably doesn't carry anything. - Add flowing water. I'm tired of seeing bland land everywhere. -Add water bottles/canteens. -Add forest resorts that have a spa/hottub area. Large, but slightly infested. Lots of survivors would flood to these. -Make forests more dense. It's pretty bare. - Add a lighting system, which requires a generator and working bulbs. Some bulbs are broken, which must be replaced. -Add in hardware stores. Seriously. -Add a better barricading system. Anyone with an entrencher can break into my barricaded home. -Add a use for crowbars, such as busting crates. -Add in a picnic ground. -Add Restaurants. There aren't any eateries in the whole city? -Add craftable foods which require the stove. Like, frozen pizza or frozen fries. -Get rid of bloodbags. Turn that into Antibiotics and bandages, as well as Band-Aids. Also add in some Morphine. Bloodbags aren't the only possible way to get health. -Add craftable furniture. Purely for recreational feeling -Add Operate able turrets and sentries that you require fuel and ammo to operate. -Make hospitals larger. Seriously, I've never seen that small of a hospital. -Add in LARGE Places. Seriously, Kin is supposed to be the largest town in the whole city. Yet it's very small. Honestly, it has to be larger. -Add fences to the military bases! Seriously, before the infection anyone could have gone in there! There must be fences and two openings. -Add more weapons, and make really rare weapons sometimes spawn in small city homes. You can purchase military grade weapons online, so it's not impossible to find them inside of a house. -Make corpses spawn when someone dies, so their stuff doesn't just pour right out. -Add bars and churches. And Fast food restaurants. -Add Hats/body armor you can find around the city. Make your person start out with no armor. And add armor Such as: Leather Vest: A vest that prevents a lot of zombies from hurting you, but it doesn't stop bullets well. (Protection from zombies added, but doesn't effect bullet damage.) Football Gear: Gear that once protected people from getting sacked by 200 lbs men. Now it protects you from zombies and some bullets. (Same as leather vest, but it protects from both.) Police Grade body armor: The police used to wear this. Pretty good protection. (Basically the vest you started out with in the beginning, as of 2.7.0 I think that's what we're on..) Military Grade body armor: The military's forces wore this. Zombies and people alike won't try to hurt you with this. (A lot of protection. It's Green) Survivor Gear: A survivor used to wear this before he was taken and eaten alive. (Somewhat of a protection from humans, but zombies can barely scratch you with this. It was made from a collage of Police, Football gear, and military grade armor.) -Riot Vests. Used to protect against human punches or bullets, this is very effective. (In the middle of Police Grade gear and Military Grade gear.) -Add in the M16A4. (Three Round burst, thirty rounds. More accurate and easier to find around the military bases) -Add in the Switchblade. (Weaker version of the hatchet.) -Add in the P90. (High rate of fire with 60 bullets. Near to no control when fired due to large recoil. Sort of rare.) -Add in the UMP45. (High Rate of fire, but accurate. 30 Round magazine, rare.) -Add in the Riot Gun. (Carries 12 Rounds of ammo, short range of fire but high fire rate. Very Rare, found in Police Stations.) -Add in S.W.A.T. Smoke grenades. Useful for bandits who want to have a clean escape against a team. -Add in Helmets. Like: Baseball hat: A hat that you can basically find anywhere. (Easy to find, no protective reasons.) Cowboy Hat: A hat worn by people in the wild west. (No protective reasons.) Headband: You wanted to seem like a certain war hero. (No Protective Reasons. (NPR) Riot Helmet: Used by the Riot Police (Or whatever they're called) to protect their heads from people trying to hit them. (Protects your head from a lot of damage.) Military Helmet: The military used to wear this when fighting. (Protects a whole lot. -Add in a Riot Shield. You can't use a weapon while holding this, but it blocks anything trying to hurt you in the front. -In the inventory, have four spaces for gear in all four places. Head, Overall, Feet, Other. For HEAD: All of the hats. For OVERALL: All of the Vests. For FEET: Running shoes and such, or something. :P For OTHER: This is for equipping the Riot Shield, which makes you put up your weapons. Weapons can't be used while it's in OTHER. -Add Weapons you can put in your inventory. Seriously, just make up an M1 garand or MK-48 Take up two spaces, and the secondaries take up one. -Add in a Bandoleer for carrying ammo. It wouldn't interfere with your backpack. -Allow Fannypacks to be worn on you while you have a pack. -Make a REST Bar and REST Option. -Make temperature affect things, like dehydration. -Add lighting levels -Make it a ZOOM IN Type of game. Seriously, I'm tired of trying to sneak up on someone and they just move their camera to where I am. -Make the Matches a pickup thing (Like ammunition) so it can run out. -Add weather. Nothing like showable rain or something, just make clouds and such. -Add in broken down vehicles, nothing you can repair, but you can find some loot inside. -Add in broken apart bicycles you require pieces to make -Add skateboards -Add...dual wield pistols? -Add a Medical Kit you can find in houses. - Try to add in a noise level sort of thing. Zombies hear you from like, 15 studs away? -Improve the roads so they seem more road-like. -Make Kin and Vernal larger, with more buildings and taller buildings. -Make HARK a seaside town. As in it has a lighthouse and a boating system. It sells fish there, which is like an MRE, but you can't really sell fish. You scavenge it, because fishing is too complicated. -Add a river dividing the top and lower half, so crossing bridges could make it to where people MUST Battle for the other side. -Make it seem like the military truly tried to stop it. I see no Humvees or Barricades trying to separate this land from others. Also I see no tanks :D this could make Kin and Vernal seem like they truly died defending it. -Make the stories in diaries a bit more thorough. If you need help with a good story or such, ask me -Add in the 308. Sniper rifle, replace the Mosin-Nagant with a 22. Rifle. The Mosin Sucks. -Replace the M1 Garand with the M14. Old weapons would likely deteriorate over this much amount of time..that and I think it's kind of silly. -Make drinks do less than refill all. Make Dr. Pepper refill all. >:D -Add actual Groceries and Supermarkets -Add Tin large oil holding barrels (That are empty) That can be filled with firewood and lit somewhere. 2x the time of Firewood, and can be refilled. -SERIOUSLY DECREASE WEAPON SPAWNS. -Make a Soup-like variant of beef or something. So you can have 15% Of water restored, and all food. -Make drinks refill less -Make Food not refill all. Seriously, a canister of pringles? I wouldn't get filled on that. Even though I can't stand too much junk food T_T -Make zombies slower and stronger. -Add a certain type of tag that can be put on a barricade that makes only you be able to pass through. Add a storage unit you could carry around for more space such as(You can only have two/one at a time in your inventory): Box: A regular, cardboard box. Holds four extra items. Wooden Box: A fairly large, wooden box. Holds eight extra items. Wooden Chest: A chest that looks like it came straight out of a movie about pirates. Holds Ten Extra Items. Wooden Crate: A crate made of wood, used for shipping items around the world. Pretty large. Holds 16 Extra Items. Alright! Finally, done with my ideas. Now, for some descriptions of some of the items in my idea. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generator: A portable Generator which is used for generating electricity. Uses Fuel. Can be hooked to a house. Bottle of fuel: A small bottle of Fuel. Powers the generator for a little while. Small Container of Fuel: A container of fuel. Powers the generator just a little while longer. Jerrycan of Fuel: A Jerrycan of fuel. Powers the generator for a long time. Two Jerrycans of Fuel: TWO Jerrycans. Powers it for a really long time. (These Fuel options could be changed just to one fuel in general.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can of tomato sauce: A can of tomato sauce. Would look really good on Spaghetti. Restores 10% of Hunger and 10% Of health. Spaghetti: A plate of spaghetti, made from pasta and tomato sauce heated up. Restores all Hunger and 30% Health. Banana: A banana, which monkeys love. (This food can rot) Restores 50% Of Hunger and 20% health. (Healthy food = More health. ;) ) Potato: A potato, likely collected from a farm. Restores 30 % Hunger and 20% Health. Tomato: A tomato, likely collected from a farm. Restores 30% of Hunger and 20% Health. ( Empty tin can + Tomato = Tomato Sauce) Rotten Banana: A squishy, brown, rotten banana. Restores 10% Hunger. Rotten Potato: A slightly more brown potato. It's rotten, alright. Restores 5% Hunger. Rotten Tomato: A very soft, delicate, squishy, rotten tomato. Restores 5% Hunger. Raw Cookie Dough: (Located in Shops and in home cabinets.) Yum! Raw Cookie dough. Can be heated up and made into a single cookie. Restores 30% Hunger and 10% Health. Cookie: Fresh out of the oven! A delicious, warm cookie. People would kill for these. Restores 100% Hunger and 10% Health. (Hey, Cookies aren't very healthy.) Bread Dough: Squishy dough, used specifically for bread. Restores 20% Hunger and 10% Health. Bread: Fresh out of the oven bread. It smells delicious. Restores 50% Hunger and 30% Health. Water (Bottle): The precious water. People die for this. Restores 100% Thirst. Water (Canteen): A military standard issue canteen of water. Completely full! Restores 100% Thirst. Empty Canteen: An empty military standard canteen. Can be refilled at a water source (Somehow. This might not be possible.) Frozen Pizza: A frozen, delicious pizza. Can be heated up at the stove. Restores 20% Hunger and 20% Health. Pizza: A pizza, just now heated up! People would kill for this! Restores all hunger and 30% Health. Frozen French Fries: French fries, which are sadly inedible. Can be heated up inside of the oven on the stove. French Fries: Ah, fresh french fries! Delicious! Restores all hunger and 30% Health. Food and Water Complete. Now to Electronics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightbulbs: A fully charged lightbulb, surprisingly not broken. Can replace broken bulbs. (However you can just make it to where so houses just light up when powered, so this may not be necessary.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turrets: 50. Cal Mounted Machine Gun: A 50. Caliber Machine gun, on a stand. Runs on ammo and manpower. 50. Caliber Ammo: A 50. Caliber metal magazine box of 250 rounds for the Mounted Machingun. Mounted Minigun: A minigun, mounted on a stand. Runs on ammo and manpower. Minigun ammo: Ammo for the minigun turret. 250 Rounds. Automatic 50. Caliber Turret: An automatic 50. Cal turret which only focuses on the undead. (To stop bandit abuse.) Runs on a generator and ammo. Automatic Minigun Turret: An Automatic Minigun turret, which focuses on the undead. Runs on a generator and ammo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medicines: Antibiotics: A Antibiotics that stops bacterial infections in wounds. Restores 40% Health. Bandages: Not your average band-aid. Military standard Bandage wraps for your bigger wounds. Restores 60% health. Band-Aid: Band-Aids. Little plasters that stick to your tiny wounds. Restores 20% Health. Morphine: A very powerful drug, used in ( is a drug, very addictive.) it works on the central nervous system to relieve pain. Very powerful. 100% Health restoration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons: M16A4: An M16A4 U.S.A. Military Standard weapon effective at medium to long range. M16A4 Ammo: A 30 bullet magazine for the M16A4. P90: A P90 sub-machine gun. Very high rate of fire, effective at close range. P90 Ammo: A 60 bullet magazine for the P90. Switchblade: Used in other post-apocalyptic games and in the 50's, the switchblade is a common knife. UMP45: A UMP45 Sub-machine gun. high rate of fire, effective at medium to close range. UMP45 Ammo: A 30 Round magazine for the UMP45. Riot Gun: A Riot Gun, used during riots. medium rate of fire, effective at close range. (Shotgun.) Riot Gun ammo: 12 shotgun rounds for the Riot gun. S.W.A.T. Smoke Grenade: A smoke grenade that the S.W.A.T. Once used. Creates a puff of smoke for 20 seconds. 308. Rifle: A 308. hunting Rifle. Effective at long range. 308. Rounds: Five bullets for the 308. Hunting Rifle. M14: Military standard semi automatic rifle. Effective at long to medium range. M14 Ammo: Fifteen rounds for the M14. 22. Magnum Hunting Rifle (Replaces the Mosin-Nagant) A 22. Magnum Bolt action rifle. Effective at medium to long range. 22. Magnum ammo: Ten rounds in a magazine for the 22. Magnum Hunting Rifle. Done for now.
#75083382Thursday, August 09, 2012 8:34 PM GMT

Gus might skim through your idea it's too long, I usually like reading other peoples ideas but i skimmed through yours. You should've posted atleast a quarter of your idea because some of those I skimmed through were other peoples ideas before hand.
#75086258Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:00 PM GMT

It really would be awesome if you added a weapon with Sniper scope. Also, cardio would be really awesome if you put it to 20%. Yeah, and zombies in the forest too, so you always need to stay focused.
#75087653Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:12 PM GMT

And I was also thinking about a colony GUI. The colony can see how many survivors and bandits you've killed. And if you betray your colony it will be shown on the next colony you join. I mean like this: Survivors killed: 0 Bandits killed: 2 Colony members killed: 1 Like the colony can see what you've done etc. And a colony chat. The colony can plan what they'll do, like where they'll build, so no bandits will find them, plan to kill someone etc. It's one thing that is annoying. When I kill a bandit and he respawns, he tries to kill me again, since I got his stuff. That makes me a high priority target for him. But when he comes back and tries to kill me, I kill him, and he comes another 3 times and I still get him, and then I get counted as Bandit. Could you please fix like that the one who shoots first will be counted as a bandit. I don't know if you can, but... Yeah.
#75087891Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:14 PM GMT

I think grenade launches may also be too overpowered. Even though with bad accuracy. The only way I would accept grenade launchers if they had bad accuracy and takes 10 seconds to reload. Only way I would accept them.
#75088923Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:25 PM GMT

He didn't make this game just to make it. He tried to make a game similiar to the DayZ mod to ARMA II. And the zombies in DayZ run fast. So there is no reason to change the speed. And DayZ also have PvP, so he won't change that either. Just saying...
#75088955Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:26 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#75089960Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:36 PM GMT

I think zombies should spawn outside of civilization and perhaps move towards civilization randomly, or have a great wander distance. Therefore, players can have the opportunity to fortify the place, with walls and such.
#75090445Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:41 PM GMT

I think the idea about eating raw meat is good. It will give stop your hunger, but it will fill your health 10-25%. In military, you need to learn how to eat raw meat.
#75090839Thursday, August 09, 2012 9:44 PM GMT

you should make ammo packs like on the real day-z like my idea of it should be like you pick it up go to your inventory click open on it and gives you random ammo like rev ammo mak ammo M4A1 ammo ak47 just all of the ammo but just random ammo
#75093364Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:09 PM GMT

Ask yourself: Does it fit with the game? Would it cause lag? Can the roblox engine handle it? Is it in DayZ? Would it make sense?
#75093483Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:11 PM GMT

there should be train tracks that goes from one city the another so if you are lost you can find a town and broken down trains
#75093964Thursday, August 09, 2012 10:16 PM GMT

Cars won't be added. They're overpowered and would cause lag Flashlights won't be added. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to script. (PM me if you must know why) Crafting probably won't be added. This isn't Survival:Apocalypse guys. Zombies won't be slower. It'd make the game to easy PvP Will always be on.
#75098766Thursday, August 09, 2012 11:05 PM GMT

Would you consider putting in jeeps and cars, and other sorts of vehicle transportation in the game? And a way to mount your weapon on the car And a tank. A tank would be AMAZING
#75102384Thursday, August 09, 2012 11:43 PM GMT

Remember That Gusmanak Made This Game To Make A Roblox Version Of DayZ. So If You Ask For Something That Isnt In Dayz He Will Not Put It In.
#75102627Thursday, August 09, 2012 11:46 PM GMT

Um, no, how about you sit down and read the rest of the sentences he's put. It's the Roblox version, but he ALSO Said he will be adding things out of DayZ if he wishes to. -_-
#75108132Friday, August 10, 2012 12:38 AM GMT

you should add tempature and a better way to aim like looking down the sights or a scope
#75108409Friday, August 10, 2012 12:40 AM GMT

Personally, it'd be nice to see some gun customization. Not in Day Z, I know, but still. Like, maybe you can FIND a silencer for your USP45 on top of just getting it with the silencer already there. Maybe a reflex sight for your M4 or your AK-47, to increase accuracy. Maybe a laser sight? Another idea I had is maybe you could find a reloading bench. The way reloading benches work in the real world is, you take the cartridge from the bullet you fired (the brass thing the gun ejects, if you didn't already know), then you load it up with however much gunpowder you like, and then put a new bullet in on the top of the cartridge. You can do the same thing with unfired bullets, and that's what we'd focus on here. There's other steps, of course, but I won't bore you. The idea here would be that you could take a normal magazine for a gun, and then make it either underloaded or overloaded. Or you could take existing but old ammo and then make it better. Underloaded rounds help to reduce recoil and thus make the gun more accurate. On the downside, they reduce the damage the bullet does. Overloaded rounds do a heck of a lot of damage, but they kick like a mule. Improving existing ammo would increase accuracy a lot and damage by a small margin, but it generally requires other materials that you wouldn't even find at a a military base. Generally, you'd find it at a gun store, and improving ammo would only make sense for civilian weapons, since military bases carry mil-spec ammo, which is already good. You could also change shotgun shells into slugs, to make 'em fire one big bullet-like mass instead of a bunch of shot. Less accurate on subsequent shots if you don't take time.